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 Course Master Schedule/Resource Requirement List Authoritative Data Sources. (CeTARS or AIM CPM)  Identify Current CMS Business rules and deficiencies.

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Presentation on theme: " Course Master Schedule/Resource Requirement List Authoritative Data Sources. (CeTARS or AIM CPM)  Identify Current CMS Business rules and deficiencies."— Presentation transcript:

1  Course Master Schedule/Resource Requirement List Authoritative Data Sources. (CeTARS or AIM CPM)  Identify Current CMS Business rules and deficiencies  Identify Processes affected and Deliverables produced by CMS.  Review CMS Terms and Associated Definitions  Propose New Terms (Data Elements) Assessment Types Training/Assessment Environment  Review associated List of Values (LOVs) Training Delivery Methods Training Delivery Sources Training(Event) Types  Update Governance Adjudicate via all NETC Stakeholders Develop CMS Instruction Update NAVEDTRAs  Identify IT System Changes Present new CMS structure to Functional Manager Group Identify changes needed to applications Identify changes needed to system data interfaces 1 AIM FRB CMS Discussion Slide

2 Back–Up Slides 2

3 CMS Business Rules and Deficiencies 3 Current  CMSs will be developed for an eight (8)-hour instructional day. New or revised courses will be validated using a standard eight (8) hour instructional day to determine instructor and equipment requirements. Standard training periods shall be 60 minutes and should consist of 50 minutes of instruction with a 10 minute break. (NAVEDTRA 135C)  Every CIN/CDP will have a CMS (NETCINST 1510.1A)  COs shall ensure that the student/instructor ration is the highest ration possible without serious determent to the quality and safety of the training. (NAVEDTRA 135C)  Physical training and medical or dental time directly related to or required for the technical course completion, or required as a prerequisite or follow-on technical training, may be included in the CMS and considered workload in instructor requirements computations only if technical training instructors not in a duty or watch status are required to participate in those evolutions. (NAVEDTRA 135C)  Approved non-technical training subjects scheduled outside the 40-hour technical training workweek will be included in the CMS and considered workload in instructor requirements computations if technical training instructors are required to do the training. (NAVEDTRA 135C)  A CMS will be reviewed annually or updated as changes are approved. (NETCINST 1510.1A / Information from Draft NETCNOTE) Recommended Additions  Recommend 8 hour training block be a built as a recommendation, with the ability for flexibility in entered time lengths  Recommend the ability to indicate and execute a Pilot CMS  Recommend the ability to accurately indicate and execute a Hybrid Course  Recommend the ability to schedule a course with simultaneous topics taught in one CMS. i.e. Classroom/Lab 8 hour training block be a built as a recommendation, with the ability for flexibility in entered time lengths

4 4 CMS Process and Deliverables 4 Processes  Instructor Utilization  Instructor Staffing  End to End (E2E)  Annual Class Schedule (ACS) Creation  Feasibility  Program Objective Memorandum (POM)  Training Course Control Document (TCCD) Development / Training Project Plan (TPP)  Resource Scheduling  Instructor Certification  Training Path Analysis  Change Review Board (CRB) Analysis  AI Prediction for Cross Functional Team 2 (CFT2) Usage  Human Performance Requirements Reviews (HPPRs) Deliverables  Course Specific Topics (Enabling Learning Objective (ELO))  Course Length (Feeds Feasibility)  Instructor Skill Set Criteria (General, Specific)  Training Delivery Methods  Training Delivery Sources  Topic Requirements (Theory/Lab, Student/Instructor (S:I) Ratio, Length, Medical, Safety)  Class Size  Instructor Contact Hours  Bottleneck Ratios  Capacity Constraints (Personnel/Equipment/Space)  Pilot CMS (Y/N)  Curriculum Hours  Instructional Days (Weekends/Holidays)

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