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Presentation on theme: "Visit us at CHOICES TRANSITIONS FROM GRADE 8 TO GRADE 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visit us at


3 PROGRAM OVERVIEW Profile of Woburn High School Diploma Requirement Levels/Options Choices Grade 9 Courses ESL Student Support

4 Woburn C.I. Non-Semestered Non-Semestered Students study 8 subjects for the year Students study 8 subjects for the year Every other day schedule Every other day schedule Over 1400 students Over 1400 students Over 80 teachers plus administration and support staff Over 80 teachers plus administration and support staff

5 ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMA Ontario Secondary School Diploma [OSSD] 30 credits (110 hours each) 18 compulsory subjects 12 options or electives 40 hrs. Community Involvement Successful completion of the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary Literacy Test

6 Compulsory Credits 4 credits in English (one credit per grade) 1 credit in French 3 credits in Math (at least one in grade 11 or 12) 2 credits in Science 1 credit in Canadian History 1 credit in Canadian Geography 1 credit in the Arts (Visual, Music, Dance, Drama) 1 credit in Health and Physical Education.5 credits in Civics.5 credits in Careers Studies

7 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 40 hours of community involvement must be completed as part of each student’s graduation requirements Encourages civic responsibility, promotes community values Supports student’s career explorations and reinforces importance of volunteering Broad range of unpaid activities

8 Grade 10 Ontario Secondary Literacy Test Students take the Test of Reading and Writing Skills in grade 10 Students must pass the test to graduate Successful completion of the test is recorded on the Ontario Secondary School Transcript Based on language and communications expectations up to and including grade 9 of the Ontario curriculum

9 Making Your Choices in Grade 9 Academic Applied Locally Developed Compulsory Credit Open

10 Making Your Choices: ACADEMIC (D) Academic courses focus on the critical concepts of the discipline and also explore related concepts by using abstract applications and theory Delivery – emphasis on theoretical approach and abstract thinking

11 Making Your Choices : APPLIED Learn through practical applications and concrete examples by using theoretical applications Delivery – Familiar, real-life approach and hands-on applications with some theory to support learning

12 Making Your Choices : LDCC Locally Developed Compulsory Credits These courses have been designed for students who have not developed skills to achieve success at the Applied Level

13 Making Your Choices: Grade 9 Science AcademicApplied identify a current problem or concern relating to reproduction organize and record information gathered formulate scientific questions about a problem or issue in space exploration Making Your Choices: Grade 9 Science AcademicApplied formulate scientific questions related to reproduction gather and record qualitative and quantitative data using an appropriate format plan ways to model and/or simulate an answer to questions asked about the motion of celestial objects identify a current problem or concern relating to reproduction organize and record information gathered formulate scientific questions about a problem or issue in space exploration

14 Choosing Success: Grade 9 English AcademicApplied analyze information, ideas, and elements to make inferences locate and evaluate information and ideas from sources select narrative style and appropriate level of language to suit the form, audience and purpose of the work describe information, ideas, opinions and themes locate and record information and ideas from sources identify the specific audience for each piece of writing

15 Choosing Success: Grade 9 Geography AcademicApplied distinguish between the characteristics of urban and rural environments recommend ways in which individuals can contribute to the quality of life analyze different perspectives on a geographic issue identify characteristics of rural and urban environments compare Canada’s quality of life with that of other countries identify and evaluate different perspectives on a geography issue

16 Work Habits Required for Success Academic Works independently in a focused manner Perseveres when challenged Synthesis skills – use prior knowledge and experience to solve problems Completes homework consistently and thoroughly Applied Works in a focused manner (not always independently) Applies new learning to tasks (may need reminding of skills required from previous units or years) May need assistance to organize and complete homework Locally Developed Works in a focused manner with prompting Applies new learning to tasks that have been directly modeled in the lesson Completes multi-step tasks when it is presented with scaffolding and chunking

17 What is an Open Course? One set of expectations Appropriate for all students Examples: The Arts Business Studies Technological Studies Health and Physical Education Social Sciences & Humanities

18 Making Your Choices Applied or Academic English Mathematics Science French Canadian History Canadian Geography Open The Arts Business Technology Health and Physical Education Social Sciences Careers and Civics

19 Changing Course Type for Grade 10 Students will be able to move from APPLIED courses in grade 9 to ACADEMIC courses in grade 10 Students will be able to move from ACADEMIC courses in grade 9 to APPLIED courses in grade 10 Note: Additional course work may be necessary to make a course type change. Summer transfer courses may be taken.

20 GRADE 10 COURSES Students will have to consider future goals when they make choices for grade 10 Some grade 10 courses will be prerequisites for specific grade 11 courses Transfer courses may be available for students after grade 10 (Transfer courses allow students after grade 10 to change course types according to their future destination.)

21 English Second Language (ESL) Prepare students for success in English and other courses ESL credits count as English credits Can move to Academic/Applied courses when appropriate Students will be placed in Level A, B, C, D or E as required

22 HOW DO I CHOOSE MY PROGRAM? You will receive a Course Selection Sheet from your current school You will select your eight grade nine courses Course Selection Sheets are due to Secondary Schools by March 1st (Gr. 8 Teachers may have an earlier date)

23 HOW DO I MAKE A GOOD DECISION? Honest Self-Assessment What are you good at? (Strengths, Weaknesses What do you like? Talk to Parents and Teachers Consider all post secondary options research IEP (where applicable) What is my learning style?

24 Optional Attendance Students are encouraged to attend their home school Students must use an “Optional Attendance Application Form” when applying to a school other than their home school Students may apply to a maximum of 2 “Regular Schools and Programs” and 2 “Special Schools and Programs” Please note that some schools are CLOSED to students from outside their area Deadline is February 2nd, 2009

25 Things to Remember Be realistic Consider your child’s strengths and skills Consider your child’s learning style Be actively involved in your child’s education 65% and below = Applied 66% and above = Academic

26 Key Points to Remember Course types chosen in Grade 9 DO NOT LIMIT course types chosen in Grade 10 4 year program (5 years is encouraged in some cases)

27 Special Education, Gifted and Student Success Ms. Taylor ACL Gifted is available in room 112 Ms. Ferrari ACL Student Success is available in room 112 Please feel free to see them at any point in the evening to answer your questions



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