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“Embracing the Ends of the Earth” Southeast Asia.

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1 “Embracing the Ends of the Earth” Southeast Asia

2 Introduction : Map of Southeast Asia

3 ( Source : Operation World 2010) * REAP Countries of MAP Countries% ChristianPopulation(m) 1. * Malaysia9.427.0 2. Singapore16.05 3. Brunei11.40.4 4. * Indonesia15.9233 5. * Thailand1.168.1 6. * Myanmar9.050.5 7. * Cambodia3.115.0 8. Vietnam9.489.0 9. Laos3.46.4 10. * Phillipines92.394 11. Timor Leste87.41.2

4 Malaysia – Sarawak Kuching


6 Malaysia – Sarawak Long House

7 Malaysia – Sarawak Long house

8 Malaysia – Ooi Chin Aik presenting gift books to one of the REAP Sarawak evangelists

9 “The Proclaimer”-audio readings of the New Testament in Bahasa Malaysia and the Iban language

10 Malaysia –Chinese New Village door to door evangelism

11 Malaysia - Chinese New Village Gereja Agape

12 Indonesia – Kalimantan, Pontianak



15 Thailand – The Evangelists

16 Thailand – Evangelist Kailas and his wife and son

17 Myanmar – The Evangelists

18 Myanmar – Sharing gospel from village to village

19 Myanmar -Aint Aint was sharing the gospel using The Drowning Man tract at the jetty while waiting for the boat

20 Myanmar - everyone wants their own New Testament, but we don't have enough for 500.

21 Cambodia – with evangelists

22 Cambodia - Training

23 Philippines – The evangelists

24 Philippines

25 Missions Challenges of South-East Asia 1) Malaysia - Islamisation - Speed Race for Tribal Peoples’ Conversion - Migrant Peoples – Myanmarese Vietnamese Bangladeshis Indonesians ► Opportunities – 1. Tentmakers Business Teachers (over 800 universities & colleges) 2. Sabah & Sarawak Bible Colleges 3. REAP 4. Well established networks of Christian Brethren assemblies.

26 2) Thailand ► Stronghold of Buddhism * 85 % Buddhist * 1.1 % Christians ► Opportunities – 1. Business 2. Agencies ~ OMF, WEC, YWAM, MAP 3. Social Concern & Evangelism * Sex Workers – 2.8 m 10% of tourist money spent on sex industry * Children in crisis Child labourers, 1 m Sex trade, 40,000 Homeless, tens of thousands * Villages – 80,000 villages Need community- development eg. education ~ English teachers 4. Some Christian Brethren assemblies in South Thailand.

27 3) Philippines 92% Christian ~ Catholic 77 % ►Opportunities – 1. Large numbers of Catholics more influenced by animism and witchcraft than by Christianity. * Need the gospel. 2. High Population Growth by 2020 ~ 1.09 billion widespread poverty and unemployment. Over 30 % live below the poverty line. series of natural disasters latest typhoon Haiyan »Massive opportunities for evangelism & social concern projects. Eg. orphanages, tuition centers, adopting children for schools, micro-financing for animal husbandry, disaster-relief etc.

28 3. REAP Projects 4. Large presence of Christian Brethren assemblies to network for missions involvement.

29 Conclusion: Pray - Lk. 10.2 Give - 2 Cor. 9.6 Go - Mt. 28. 18-20 Be an ‘Antioch church’ - Ac. 13 Ooi Chin Aik

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