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Tanya Linaker, King’s College London Modern Language Centre /depts/mlc.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanya Linaker, King’s College London Modern Language Centre /depts/mlc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanya Linaker, King’s College London Modern Language Centre /depts/mlc

2 GREETINGS Здравствуйте Здравствуй Привет Доброе утро Добрый день Добрый вечер Спокойной ночи Zdravstvuytye formal Zdravstvuy informal Privet informal Dobroye utro good morning Dobry den’ good day Dobry vecher good evening Spokoinoi nochi good night

3 TASK 1 Greet your partner formally and informally Greet him/her in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and wish him/her good night

4 INTRODUCTIONS Меня зовут Таня. Как вас зовут? Как тебя зовут? Как ваша фамилия? Как твоя фамилия? Это мой друг. Его зовут Сергей. Это моя подруга. Ее зовут Наташа Menia zovut Tanya (they call me Tanya) Kak vas zovut? (formal – how do they call you?) Kak tebia zovut? (informal – how do they call you?) Kak vasha familiya? (formal – what is your surname?) Kak tvaya familiya? (informal – what is your surname?) Eta moi drug. Yevo zovut Sergei. (this is my friend. They call him Sergei). Eta moia padruga. Yeyo zovut Natasha. (this is my girlfriend – female friend. They call her Natasha).

5 Where are you from? Я из России, из Воронежа Ya iz rossii, iz varonezha А вы? A vy? А ты? A ty? Я из Англии, из Лондона Ya iz anglii, iz londona Я из Шотландии, из Эдинбурга ya iz shotlandii, iz edinburga Я из Германии, из Берлина Ya iz germanii, iz berlina Я из Франции, из Парижа Ya iz frantsii, iz parizha

6 TASK 2 Greet and meet a person on your right, then on your left, ask for his or her name and give your name too. Introduce the person on your right to the person on your left (use formal and informal introductions). Tell your neighbours where you come from and ask them where they are from.

7 SAYING WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU DO Кто вы? Кто ты? Я инженер Я учитель Я бизнесмен Я юрист Я банкир Я экономист Я оптимист Я пессимист Я реалист Kto vy? (who or what are you) Kto ty? (informal) Ya inzhener Ya uchitel’ (teacher) Ya bisnesmen Ya yurist (lawyer) Ya bankir Ya ekonomist Ya optimist Ya pessimist Ya realist

8 SAYING GOOD BYE До свидания До завтра Пока До вечера Всего доброго До скорого До понедельника Da svidaniya (good bye formal) Da zavtra (till tomorrow) Paka (informal bye) Da vechera (till the evening) Vsevo dobrava (all the best) Da skorava (see you soon informal) Da panedel’nika (till Monday)

9 TASK 3 Ask each other formally and informally what or who you are. Say good bye formally and informally, wish each other all the best

10 How much Russian do you know already? Make the word «друг» feminine. How many countries can you name in Russian? (they end in «ия») How many cities can you name in Russian? What is their ending? How do you change the endings of masculine and feminine nouns when you put the preposition “from” (Russian «из») in front of the countries or cities?

11 Answers Подруга Россия, Шотландия, Германия, Англия (feminine) Воронеж, Эдинбург, Берлин, Лондон (all end in consonant – masculine) Feminine nouns change to – «и» Masculine nouns change to – «а»

12 What do these pronouns mean? Я Ты Вы Мой Моя Ваш Ваша Твой Твоя

13 Answers Я Ты вы Мой Моя Ваш Ваша Твой твоя Ya (I) Ty (“you” informal) Vy (you formal) Moi ( “my” refers to masculine nouns) Moia (“my”refers to femimine nouns) Vash ( “your” formal, refers to masculine nouns) Vasha (“your” formal, refers to feminine nouns) Tvoi ( “your” informal, refers to masculine nouns) Tvoia (“your” informal, refers to feminine nouns)

14 Polite phrases to use in conversations Очень приятно Извините Спасибо Пожалуйста Ochen’ priyatno (pleased to meet you) Izvinitie (excuse me or I am sorry) Spasibo (thank you) Pazhaluista (not at all, you are welcome)

15 You are at a cocktail party at the Russian Embassy, try to be polite Greet and meet as many people as you can in the room. Ask their name and say politely how pleased you are to meet them. Introduce yourself and tell people where you come from. Apologise before asking politely where they come from. Introduce people to each other and thank them for introductions. Apologise before asking people what they do for a living and answer their questions. Say good bye and wish them all the best.


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