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Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Lange’s R oom Room 102 Mrs. Lange’s R oom Room 102.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Lange’s R oom Room 102 Mrs. Lange’s R oom Room 102."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Mrs. Lange’s R oom Room 102 Mrs. Lange’s R oom Room 102

2 School Times and Procedures / Students may enter building at side door at 8:25. Tardy bell at 8:30 / School ends at 3:49. / We run on a six day cycle so please follow the calendar sent home with your child. / Students may enter building at side door at 8:25. Tardy bell at 8:30 / School ends at 3:49. / We run on a six day cycle so please follow the calendar sent home with your child.

3 Snack / Your child will have a leader day every 30 school days where they bring individual snacks for the class for the afternoon as well as show and tell. / Your child will be assigned two months a year where they bring 5 boxes/bags of a very basic inexpensive snack that will be handed out by me each mid-morning. / This way you will not be responsible for sending your child to school with a snack daily. / If your leader snack needs spoons or forks, please send them. We do not have them at school. / Your child will have a leader day every 30 school days where they bring individual snacks for the class for the afternoon as well as show and tell. / Your child will be assigned two months a year where they bring 5 boxes/bags of a very basic inexpensive snack that will be handed out by me each mid-morning. / This way you will not be responsible for sending your child to school with a snack daily. / If your leader snack needs spoons or forks, please send them. We do not have them at school.

4 Curriculum / Language Arts / Science / Social Studies / Math / Health / PE/Media Center/Music/Art / Writing MAISA / Language Arts / Science / Social Studies / Math / Health / PE/Media Center/Music/Art / Writing MAISA

5 Language Arts / Benchmark / Daily 5 / Zaner Blosser Handwriting / Guided Reading / 60 sight words / Sounding out simple words / Inventive spelling / Journaling/ MAISA writing units / Benchmark / Daily 5 / Zaner Blosser Handwriting / Guided Reading / 60 sight words / Sounding out simple words / Inventive spelling / Journaling/ MAISA writing units

6 Daily 5 / Read to Self / Guided Reading Group / Work on Writing / Work on Words / Listen to Reading / Read to Others / Read to Self / Guided Reading Group / Work on Writing / Work on Words / Listen to Reading / Read to Others

7 Science / Battle Creek Math and Science / Kindergarten in Motion / Is it Living / Senses / My Earth / Battle Creek Math and Science / Kindergarten in Motion / Is it Living / Senses / My Earth

8 Social Studies / Story books / Discussion / Emphasis on community, citizenship, rules, etc. / Weekly Reader magazine / Social studies units that focus on economics, civics, history, and geography / Story books / Discussion / Emphasis on community, citizenship, rules, etc. / Weekly Reader magazine / Social studies units that focus on economics, civics, history, and geography

9 Math / Chicago Everyday Math / Hands on math centers BUILD / Uses assortment of Manipulatives / Count to 100, recognize random to 100, write to 50, count by 1’s, 5,’s, and 10’s to 100. / Addition to 10 / Patterns, Money, sorting / Time to the hour / Estimation Jar / Chicago Everyday Math / Hands on math centers BUILD / Uses assortment of Manipulatives / Count to 100, recognize random to 100, write to 50, count by 1’s, 5,’s, and 10’s to 100. / Addition to 10 / Patterns, Money, sorting / Time to the hour / Estimation Jar

10 Health / Snack/Manners / Emphasis on Fresh & Healthy Snacks / Individualized snacks PLEASE / Your child may bring a bottle of WATER to school daily to keep at his/her table / Healthy Eating Habits / Basic Hygiene/Dental Hygiene / Snack/Manners / Emphasis on Fresh & Healthy Snacks / Individualized snacks PLEASE / Your child may bring a bottle of WATER to school daily to keep at his/her table / Healthy Eating Habits / Basic Hygiene/Dental Hygiene

11 PE/Media Center/Music/Art / Exercise / Gross motor skills / Coordination / Book Checkout / Comprehension / Computer Lab / Media / PE / Music Learn songs, Rhymes, / Using Simple Instruments / Art / Exercise / Gross motor skills / Coordination / Book Checkout / Comprehension / Computer Lab / Media / PE / Music Learn songs, Rhymes, / Using Simple Instruments / Art

12 Quiet time / Children will listen to a chapter book. / They will have an assigned spot for this. / Children will listen to a chapter book. / They will have an assigned spot for this.

13 School Rules / Listen when the teacher is talking. / Hands to yourself. / Be a friend to everyone. / Raise your hand to talk. / Use inside voices / Always do your best. / Always walk, no running. / Listen when the teacher is talking. / Hands to yourself. / Be a friend to everyone. / Raise your hand to talk. / Use inside voices / Always do your best. / Always walk, no running.

14 Class Discipline / Verbal Warning / 2nd Verbal reminder / Time out for recess or choice time / Parent notified/note sent home/time out / Principal involved/Parents contacted / Use 123 Magic / Discipline rubric for each child / Uses number line for behavior management / Verbal Warning / 2nd Verbal reminder / Time out for recess or choice time / Parent notified/note sent home/time out / Principal involved/Parents contacted / Use 123 Magic / Discipline rubric for each child / Uses number line for behavior management

15 Snack / Please make sure you send in snack for 30 students. / Please make sure they are individually wrapped or in baggies. Please do not send in whole boxes or bags of snacks. / Please make sure you send in snack for 30 students. / Please make sure they are individually wrapped or in baggies. Please do not send in whole boxes or bags of snacks.

16 Ways You Can Help / Help in classroom with centers etc. / Help prepare projects at home and school / Makes copies, separate papers, cut out things, etc. / Help with book boxes / Be a guest reader / Help with class parties / Send in donations / PTO volunteering / Help in classroom with centers etc. / Help prepare projects at home and school / Makes copies, separate papers, cut out things, etc. / Help with book boxes / Be a guest reader / Help with class parties / Send in donations / PTO volunteering

17 Field Trips / Sarett Nature Center / Barbott Farms / Upton Planetarium / $10.00 requested by SJPS for transportation and cost of activities. / Sarett Nature Center / Barbott Farms / Upton Planetarium / $10.00 requested by SJPS for transportation and cost of activities.

18 Classroom Celebrations / We will celebrate the 50th and 100th day of school / We will celebrate Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day with a small party. A parent will be assigned to head up each of these parties. Let me know if you are able. / We will celebrate the 50th and 100th day of school / We will celebrate Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day with a small party. A parent will be assigned to head up each of these parties. Let me know if you are able.

19 Donations / Dramatic Play donations / Choice time donation items needed: art supplies (decorative stickers, foamies, glitter glue, etc.), trains, legos, or floor puzzles, transformers, super heros, etc. / Prize Box donations- McDonalds toys, small old toys, coloring books, books, etc. / Napkins, markers, glue sticks / Dramatic Play donations / Choice time donation items needed: art supplies (decorative stickers, foamies, glitter glue, etc.), trains, legos, or floor puzzles, transformers, super heros, etc. / Prize Box donations- McDonalds toys, small old toys, coloring books, books, etc. / Napkins, markers, glue sticks

20 WEBSITE / Please REGISTER on our website! / Subsribe to my E-Alerts / Please check your teachers website at least weekly to be up to date on all activities and assignments. All dates and leaders will be posted on the class calendar. / Newsletters will be posted on the Website. / All important documents will be there for you to view. / Please REGISTER on our website! / Subsribe to my E-Alerts / Please check your teachers website at least weekly to be up to date on all activities and assignments. All dates and leaders will be posted on the class calendar. / Newsletters will be posted on the Website. / All important documents will be there for you to view.

21 Homework / Monthly Homework Calendar / Book It through Pizza Hut (October- March) / Read to your child everyday / IXL, Moby Max, and RAZ reading websites. More info coming later. / Monthly Homework Calendar / Book It through Pizza Hut (October- March) / Read to your child everyday / IXL, Moby Max, and RAZ reading websites. More info coming later.

22 Assessment / Individual Assessment 4x a year / Ongoing observations / Benchmark / NWEA / Running records / These assessments will be reflected on report card that will come home every trimester. / We will also have conferences to go over your child’s progress. / Individual Assessment 4x a year / Ongoing observations / Benchmark / NWEA / Running records / These assessments will be reflected on report card that will come home every trimester. / We will also have conferences to go over your child’s progress.

23 FYI / Please send one pair of inside shoes to keep our new carpet clean. Velcro or slip on is nice if your child is not tying yet please. Please label with your child’s name in each shoe. / Call secretary if your child will be absent. 926-3600. Send snacks for minimum of 30. / May be asking for items using the giving tree throughout the year. / Please check and empty your child’s folder daily. / Book Orders will be sent home monthly. It is a great way to build your family library. / Please send one pair of inside shoes to keep our new carpet clean. Velcro or slip on is nice if your child is not tying yet please. Please label with your child’s name in each shoe. / Call secretary if your child will be absent. 926-3600. Send snacks for minimum of 30. / May be asking for items using the giving tree throughout the year. / Please check and empty your child’s folder daily. / Book Orders will be sent home monthly. It is a great way to build your family library.

24 Things to Return or Do / Please return the volunteer sheets ASAP / Conference preference sheet / Subscribe to my E-Alerts / Acceptable Use Policy Sheet / Internet/Computer Survey / Handbook Form / Please return the volunteer sheets ASAP / Conference preference sheet / Subscribe to my E-Alerts / Acceptable Use Policy Sheet / Internet/Computer Survey / Handbook Form

25 Thank you for your time! / We are looking forward to a great year. I can’t wait to get to know your child. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. There are no silly questions. Lets work together to make this a super year of fun and learning.


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