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Training for Scheduling of Students with Disabilities in Secondary Schools Debra Y. Barbour Office of Low Incidence and Inclusion May 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Training for Scheduling of Students with Disabilities in Secondary Schools Debra Y. Barbour Office of Low Incidence and Inclusion May 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training for Scheduling of Students with Disabilities in Secondary Schools Debra Y. Barbour Office of Low Incidence and Inclusion May 2008

2 Objectives: The participants will be able to: Identify documents to use when developing the master schedule Identify LRE and the number of special education instructional hours for SWD Use scheduling documents/tools to develop a “mock” schedule

3 What Do You Know? How Do You Schedule for Students with Disabilities?

4 What Do You Want To Know? As a team, write down THREE questions you have about scheduling for students with disabilities.

5 Scheduling Documents SETS #105 LRE Report (student) SETS #1 Brief Alpha Report (student) Service Page from MD On-Line IEP IEP Summary Page from MD On-Line IEP IEP Matrix (Should be completed PRIOR to scheduling) Course Description for Trade Certification

6 Scheduling Steps Identify Instructional Models Co-Teaching Collaborative/Consultative Identify the specific type of schedule 4x4 Year long A/B Day Identify the required courses for each student Begin the Scheduling Process

7 Developing A Schedule Use the documents you brought to complete the IEP Matrix and Develop a schedule for your 11 th grade students

8 Barriers for Scheduling In you teams, think about and list barriers for scheduling for SWD

9 What Have You Learned? On the Chart Paper, List what you have Learned about Scheduling for SWD and Explain How you will Use this Information

10 Next Steps ActivityPerson Responsible/When Conduct Trainer of Trainers PD for Central Office Staff to assist and provide technical support to schools for scheduling SWD Roger Shaw & Debra Barbour – May 27-30 Follow-up with each individual secondary school to review master schedules Schedule Trainers – June & July Gather BCPSS Forms for making changes to schedules. Review and revise for 08-09 SY Roger Shaw & Debra Barbour – May 19-23

11 Questions, Comments, Suggestions

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