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Lesson 4- OPENING Back to Back/Face to Face - Take out your HW and Choose a partner - Stand Back to Back and wait for the question - After the question.

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3 Lesson 4- OPENING Back to Back/Face to Face - Take out your HW and Choose a partner - Stand Back to Back and wait for the question - After the question is given, review your HW response - When time is given, turn Face to Face and discuss your answers

4 Lesson 4- OPENING How does the author illustrate, elaborate, and explain the idea of fish depletion in this section? Record your thoughts on your chart.

5 Lesson 4 SLT I can find the gist of pages 1-8 of WWF. I can use strategies to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. I can use text evidence to answer text- dependent questions. I can analyze how the author illustrates and elaborates on the problem of fish depletion.

6 Lesson 4

7 Read silently again as I read page 2 aloud. Think about the following question… What is this excerpt mostly about?

8 LESSON 4 Introducing World Without Fish I can use strategies to help me determine and understand unfamiliar vocabulary You will need 7 sticky notes per group. Break into groups of THREE and get a dictionary. Re-read pages 1-8 stopping at the end of each paragraph (nine in all) and choose one word that is difficult to understand. Write the word and the dictionary definition on the sticky note. Using your new definition, re-write the sentence on the back of your sticky note to make it easier to understand.

9 Lesson 4- Questions in a Basket In your groups, pull ONE question at a time and read aloud. Take a few minutes to find the answers IN THE TEXT. Write down your answers including the page and paragraph numbers.

10 Lesson 4- OCEAN FOOD WEB Read and study the OCEAN FOOD WEB carefully. Then answer the following questions… How does this food web connect to what you have been reading today? Cover up one species found on the web. What happens if this species disappears? How are the author’s points and this food web related? Provide SPECIFIC EVIDENCE from the text.

11 LESSON 4 World Without Fish HOMEWORK Read the graphic story and answer the following questions… What do we learn about fishing from the graphic novel? How does Mark Kurlansky illustrate and elaborate on the idea of fish depletion in the graphic novel?


13 Lesson 5- SLT I can find the gist of pages 28-33 of World Without Fish. I can use strategies to determine the meaning of words in Chapter 2. I can use evidence from the text to answer text-dependent questions. I can analyze how the author illustrates/elaborates on the problem of fish depletion in an excerpt in chapter 2 of World Without Fish.

14 Lesson 5- Mix and Mingle What do we learn about fishing from the graphic novel? How does Mark Kurlansky illustrate and elaborate on the idea of fish depletion here? Record your answers in your chart

15 Lesson 5 Page 21- Listen to reading Prediction for Chapter 2 What does it mean by “fishing became an industry”? (refer back to Industrial Revolution discussion pp. xi-xii).

16 Lesson 5- Gist Page 28 of Chapter 2 Read along as I read aloud In your groups, discuss what this section of chapter 2 is about. I CAN FIND THE GIST OF PAGES 28-33 OF WORLD WITHOUT FISH.

17 Lesson 5- Vocabulary Strategies Read around the unfamiliar word Look for root words or affix Replace the word with other words that make sense (synonyms) Look for context clues in the sentence Look it up in the dictionary Ask for help (teacher, classmates)

18 Lesson 5- Vocabulary From pages 28-33 At least 5 unfamiliar words Record words on WORD CATCHER Define the words Share words with a person not in your group NEXT- Text Dependent Questions

19 Lesson 5- CLOSING Analyzing the Author How does the author illustrate/elaborate on the problem of fish depletion in pages 28-33 of World Without Fish?

20 Lesson 5- Homework Review your responses for the text- dependent questions Read the graphic story- Part 3 of “The Story of Kram and Ailat” Answer the question… What do we learn about fishing from the graphic novel? How does MK illustrate and elaborate on the idea of fish depletion?


22 Lesson 6 I can use strategies to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in an excerpt of Chapter 3 of World Without Fish. I can analyze how the author illustrates/elaborates on the problem of fish depletion.

23 Lesson 6- Opening Mix and Mingle Homework Review Part 3 of “The Story of Kram and Ailat” Answer the question… What do we learn about fishing from the graphic novel? How does MK illustrate and elaborate on the idea of fish depletion? Record your answers in your chart.

24 Lesson 6 Mid-Unit Assessment

25 Lesson 6- Homework Part 4- The Story of Kram and Ailat What do we learn about fishing from the graphic novel? How does Mark Kurlansky illustrate and elaborate on the idea of fish depletion in the graphic novel?

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