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Lesson 7.  Identify key obstacles in current talks to achieve Middle East peace.

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1 Lesson 7

2  Identify key obstacles in current talks to achieve Middle East peace.

3  What has the international community attempted to do in order to resolve the conflict?  UN Resolution 181  Israeli-Palestine-Jerusalem Internatl  Called for end of 6-Day War (67) and Yom Kippur War (73)  Camp David (w/Egypt) & Oslo Accords (W.Bank & Gaza to Pal)  Arab Peace Initiative & Roadmap  2010 & 2013 Talks Failed

4  Israel  Pres Benyamin Netanyahu (Likud)  Palestinian Authority  Pres Mahmoud Abbas (Fatah - West Bank)…also leader of PLO  Ismail Haniyeh (Hamas – Gaza Strip)  2014 Unity Govt Agreement?  Two-State Solution  Independent Nations ~ 1967 borders, Arab East Jerusalem  Working towards since 1990s…

5  Israeli Settlements in Occupied Territories  Jerusalem  Palestinian Refugees  Israeli Security  Gaza Blockade  Water Resources  Contiguous Pal. State / Exact Borders

6  Your group will be responsible for explaining the heart of the issue and identifying both the Israeli and Palestinian perspectives.  Create an image which illustrates the opposing viewpoints on the issue.

7  Settlements  Israeli’s who move into West Bank (& E.Jerusalem)  Israel lifted 10 month ban on settlement construction right after talks began in Sept 2010! Talks promptly broke down CBS 60 Min Jan 27, 2009 “Is Peace Out of Reach?”

8  Jerusalem  Second Temple  Wailing Wall  Dome of the Rock  Al Aqsa Mosque  Internationalized?

9  Refugees  4 million  Right of Return  Limited?  Compensation? Nahr al-Bared camp, Lebanon

10  Gaza Blockade  Israeli-Egyptian action after Hamas took control of Gaza strip to prevent influx arms.  People suffering, denied basic needs (food, medical supplies, etc). http://www.youtu SXx4ag2focc

11  Israeli Security Israel is surrounded by Arab nations – some who refuse to recognize right to exist. Demands demilitarized Pal state. Hamas – extreme terror/poly group, controls Gaza Strip. Responsible for deadly attacks on Israelis. IDF has taken extreme measures to ensure safety.

12  Water Resources  Fresh H20 scarce  Center of talks w/Syria over Golan Heights  Access limited in occupied territories  If hand over W.Bank, lose access & control. om/watch?v=Qt59LV x5oIg

13  Exact Borders  Contiguous State?  Inclusion key locations & resource availability.

14  What three issues do you see as central to negotiating peace?

15  Select one of these issues that you find interesting and find 2 resources that address the Israeli viewpoint and the Palestinian viewpoint on the issue.  Summarize each sides point of view and cite your resources!

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