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Sleep-Free PowerPoint Presentations 2011 NW EcoBuilding Guild Retreat Pete Swensson.

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Presentation on theme: "Sleep-Free PowerPoint Presentations 2011 NW EcoBuilding Guild Retreat Pete Swensson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sleep-Free PowerPoint Presentations 2011 NW EcoBuilding Guild Retreat Pete Swensson

2 What I’ll Cover Basic presentation principles PowerPoint do’s and don’ts PowerPoint slick tricks

3 Basic Presentation Principles It’s not about PowerPoint Talk to the audience Organize your talk: –Intro, body, summary –Logical flow of thoughts (outline) Rehearse your talk Be prepared

4 FILE NOT FOUND Microsoft PowerPoint is unable to open the requested file. This could be because your file is corrupted and/or this is an unsupported file type. Do you wish to retry or cancel?

5 PowerPoint Do’s and Don’ts Slide design –Fonts –Colors –Layout –Graphics Bullets Transitions & animation

6 Slide Design - Fonts Use sans-serif fonts Use no more than two Fat fonts are easier to read 30 points or larger

7 Slide Design - Colors Avoid garish colors Avoid color-blind combinations: –Red and green –Blue and yellow

8 Slide Design - Colors Avoid text colors that fade into the background

9 Slide Design - Layout Use graphics Layout text and/or graphics like on the news shows One picture per page

10 Slide Design - Layout Don’t overlay text on a busy background

11 Slide Design - Graphics Avoid complex charts

12 Slide Design - Graphics Avoid complex graphs

13 Bullets Short and direct, like bumper stickers All men are animals, some just make better pets Honk if you want to see my finger I child-proofed my house, but they still get in Jesus is coming. Look busy! What not to do:


15 Transitions & Animation Use pictures and animation …but don’t overdo it


17 Transitions and Animation Use animations Animate transitions between slides Use subtle transitions – – – ( gets agonizing)

18 Transitions & Animation Animate your bullets Use subtle animations – – –, or –, or maybe – – What not to do:

19 Racquetball Fundamentals 2, 3, or 4 players. 1 player serves, other “returns.” Only serving player can score. Served ball must land past serving line and cannot hit back wall. Ball can only bounce once before striking front wall…but ball does not have to bounce.

20 PowerPoint Do’s and Don’t’s Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should Keep it simple ̶̶ one or two ideas per slide

21 Cheap Tricks B Print Scrn Animate graphs Insert videos

22 Cheap Trick #1: B Toggle the screen on and off: B Toggle to white: W

23 Cheap Trick #2: Print Scrn Use Print Scrn to make screen captures Edit in Microsoft Paint Windows 7 also has Snipping Tool

24 Cheap Trick #3: Animate Graphs For bar graphs:

25 Cheap Trick #3: Animate Graphs For bar graphs: 1. Make bar graph in PowerPoint 2. Set fixed Y-axis scale 3. Copy & change slide 4. Slide Transition: 4. Slide Transition:

26 Cheap Trick #3: Animate Graphs Line Graphs: Line Graphs:

27 Cheap Trick #3: Animate Graphs Line Graphs: Line Graphs:

28 Cheap Trick #4: Insert Videos Click here to view movie online -

29 Cheap Trick #4: Insert Videos Save the movie file in the same folder as the PowerPoint Set trigger (e.g., mouse click on screen) For Full Screen: in slide-edit mode, right-click the movie

30 Summary It’s not about PowerPoint Organize your talk Rehearse your talk Be prepared Don’t use garish colors Do use big, fat, sans serif fonts Do use graphics and animation Don’t overdo it B

31 Sleep-Free PowerPoint Presentations 2011 Northwest EcoBuilding Guild Retreat Pete Swensson

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