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Road Safety Auditors – The EU Directive and other developments Libby Sands MSc, MIHT, FSoRSA Technical Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Road Safety Auditors – The EU Directive and other developments Libby Sands MSc, MIHT, FSoRSA Technical Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Safety Auditors – The EU Directive and other developments Libby Sands MSc, MIHT, FSoRSA Technical Director

2 The EU Directive & SoRSA What is the EU Directive? Why is it needed? How to achieve Certification SoRSA –What is it? –Why is it needed? –Why should you join? –The Future –What benefits will you get? –How do you join?

3 What is the EU Directive? Recognition that road safety has been compromised through: - –A history of restricted budgets –Use of a network mainly constructed before current standards & knowledge –Where designs only comply with standards despite the knowledge that these are not adequate –Where route management has in the past been carried out without reference to road safety engineering

4 EU Directive cont. It’s Objectives are: - –To strengthen safety & make informed decisions on transport –Improve safety through continuous adaption of requirements –Establish constant exchange of best practice –Create awareness of safety through informed planning & design

5 EU Directive cont. Road Safety Audits are one of four pillars within the Directive Article 5 states “When high accident concentration sections, are evaluated by expert teams by means of site visits… at least one member shall meet the requirements for auditors set out in Article 9”

6 EU Directive: Article 9: Appointment & training of auditors & inspectors 1.Member States shall ensure that training curricula for road safety auditors are adopted within 3 years after entry into force of this Directive 2.Member States shall ensure that where road safety auditors carry out functions under this Directive, they undergo an initial training resulting in the award of a certification of competence and follow periodic re-training

7 Article 9 continued 3Member States shall ensure that road safety auditors hold a certificate of competence. Certificates awarded before the entry into force of this Directive shall be taken into account. 4Member States shall ensure that auditors are appointed in compliance with the following requirements: - a) they have experience in road design, road safety engineering & accident analysis b) 2 years after the adoption of the guidelines… road safety audits shall only be undertaken by auditors meeting the requirements provided for in para 2 & 3.

8 How to achieve Certification Several ways of achieving certification –EUROAUDIT –HA/IHT/SoRSA –And no doubt in time others

9 HA/IHT Certification Highways Agency & IHT –Brief received to develop evidence based Certification Procedure –Need to agree levels of competency required –Prepare web based on-line application form with checks & balances –Timescale – mid 2009

10 HA/IHT Certification Possible levels to be used –HD 19/03 as a minimum –NRA HD 19/08? –Local authority levels Why not improve levels?

11 HA/IHT Certification How to prepare –Ensure CPD is maintained and recorded –Carry out variety of audits – scale & type

12 SoRSA – What is it? New Society set up in May 2007 as a new ‘technical Branch’ of the IHT IHT leading advocate of road safety in the UK

13 SoRSA - Why is it needed? Need for a professional voice for auditors EU Directive

14 SoRSA – Why should you join? Offers specialised support for RSA practioners Best Practice advice Access to other Auditors thru’ website Competency level agreed thru’ membership Recognition of professionalism thru’ membership New EU Directive will require all Auditors to be certificated

15 SoRSA – The Future Short Term Set up Committee from Members - done E-news letter circulated to membership Page within IHT website Articles in Transportation Professional Arrange events/training seminars Production & publication of best practice advice - in progress - done

16 SoRSA – The Future Medium Term Develop additional member services Develop & implement professional qualifications Run regular seminars & training sessions FSoRSA post-nominal– available now MSoRSA post-nominal – available now – in progress

17 Levels of Membership Affiliate –Anyone who has an interest in road safety audit Associate –Anyone who has a basic knowledge & understanding of Accident Investigation & Prevention, Road Safety Audits etc.

18 Levels of Membership Member MSoRSA –a competent Road Safety Auditor –time limited, renewed annually Fellow FSoRSA –Professionals who have a high level of experience & ability in RSA.

19 SoRSA – The Future Long Term Chartered status for Auditors Professional indemnity insurance

20 SoRSA – How do you join? Must be a Member of IHT (minimum AMIHT) Contact: - Chair – Libby Sands ( Secretary - Alan Rookes ( Membership Officer - David George ( or email

21 IHT Membership AMIHT ( examples of requirements) –3 years relevant experience plus an interview –2009 fees £64 by direct debit or £79 by invoice

22 IHT Membership MIHT (examples of requirements) –Advanced certificate in Road Safety Studies plus 2 years relevant experience –BTEC Professional Development Diploma in Accident & Safety Management plus 2 years relevant experience –10 years relevant experience plus an interview –2009 fees £118 by direct debit or £133 by invoice

23 IHT Membership FIHT (example of requirement) –Practitioner who has made a significant contribution to their professional field and/or held a senior post within the field of transportation for 5 years –2009 fees £158 by direct debit or £173 by invoice

24 Thank You for listening Libby Sands Email: Direct line: 01234 373602 Mobile: 07785 727662

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