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Sending a formal email Basic Steps.

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1 Sending a formal Basic Steps

2 Addressing an Use a proper subject heading. Be brief! Example: Overdue Book, Important Message Use a proper salutation: Dear Mr. Ms. Mrs. Or Dr. AVIOD: Hey, Hi, What’s up? If you don’t know the name of the person you’re writing to use Dear Sir or Madam.

3 Composing an Introduce yourself in the first paragraph if necessary: Dear Mrs. Stalter, My name is Jenna Smith, I’m a fifth grade student in Mrs. Onusko’s class. Write the actual message. BE BRIEF. Example: I am writing to ask you the title of the overdue book I owe. I am writing to ask you about the possibility of having a book club at MES Library. Be sure to avoId informal or “Text Talk” writing. How are you?, What’s going on?, TTFN, TTYL.

4 Closing the Always thank the person for reading the and share your hopes to hear back. Example: Thank you for your continued help and support. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Use the correct form of leave taking: Yours Sincerely, Yours Cordially, Respectfully, Best or Your Student.

5 Example Dear Mrs. Stalter, My name is Maureen Moore. I’m a fifth grader in Mrs. Canino’s class. I’m writing in regards to my overdue library book. I would like to know the title and cost of the book. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Maureen Moore

6 Now You Try! Send a Formal Email by Selecting One of the Topics Below:
You need to know the cost of your Overdue Library Book You would like to start and MES Book Club You would like Mrs. Stalter to hold a Mind Craft Book for you You need help finding database resources for an upcoming project You need the MES Library Database log-in info for home access

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