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Should the Government help pay for spaying, neutering, and vaccines for animals in shelters? Product: Created brochures to pass out at the East Clayton.

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Presentation on theme: "Should the Government help pay for spaying, neutering, and vaccines for animals in shelters? Product: Created brochures to pass out at the East Clayton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should the Government help pay for spaying, neutering, and vaccines for animals in shelters? Product: Created brochures to pass out at the East Clayton Dog Park Jessica Hobby

2 Why I chose this topic?  Animal lover (almost all of my pets have been taken in from being abandoned).  Friend who volunteers with a program to help cure sick animals and find them homes.  Interests in programs/associations who help animals.

3 Research found Shelters euthanize only 4 million animals when there are 135 million that have homes. Many owners don’t spay and neuter their pets because of costs, which could actually affect them by overpopulation and eventually sent into shelters (pyometra symptoms).

4 Research found Most shelters don’t have a set time limit for holding animals, which indicates that they are put down. There are also 48 hour kill shelters (animals killed immediately after 48 hours if not adopted). Websites mention more of communities help and not the Governments help

5 Help: Surgeries at some facilities have very low euthanasia cost for people with low income. Some programs help pay for the costs of surgeries for the animals that have been held in shelters longer than needed or have special needs. No kill shelters euthanize all the animals after the shelter reaches capacity. Research found

6 Several different statistics. Same facts over and over. Some spaying and neutering programs didn’t involve the government, just the community. Government being a very strong word for a topic or question (change in product). Ordering information for junior paper. Obstacles

7 Successes Right to the point information (averages of pets that ARE and are NOT spayed, neutered, and vaccinated in homes). Help to support topic (shelters, programs, associations, and funds that help out with spaying, neutering, and vaccines, and no kill shelters are forced to spay and neuter). Getting things all done at once ahead of time.

8 Product My product ties in with my research by creating a brochure stating the most important facts from junior paper and programs that help, and I passed them out at the East Clayton Dog Park, a more private area than an Animal Hospital.

9 Product

10 What I learned… The statistics are higher than I imagined of how many animals are homeless and killed and haven’t been spayed, neutered, or vaccinated. 48 hour kill shelter (animals killed immediately after 48 hours of not being adopted).

11 What I learned for the future… Taking peoples opinions and criticism (passion for art). Taking further actions into getting involved in a program to help animals (ASPCA).

12 Thank you for all your time Any questions?

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