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Třinec was promoted to the town in 1931 mainly thanks to the growing industrial importance of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY.

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Presentation on theme: "Třinec was promoted to the town in 1931 mainly thanks to the growing industrial importance of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Třinec was promoted to the town in 1931 mainly thanks to the growing industrial importance of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY.

3 Třinecké železárny is one of the biggest industrial companies in the region of North-Eastern Silesia. It provides directly or indirectly numerous job opportunities. But....

4 Třinec has to cope with air pollution.

5 AIR POLLUTION is its biggest problem, because Třinec is an area with concentrated industrial production – iron and steel production. Třinec Iron and Steel works is the main cause of air pollution,releasing emissions to the air. But cars and trucks contribute to the pollution,too. Car exhaust contains carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, gaseous oxide. This type of pollution creates smog which causes respiratory health problems and holes in the ozone layer. In Třinec emissions range from smoke, dust and smells to car and lorry exhausts.

6 Since September 2012 we have learned some facts about the air pollution in our hometown.

7 Our project activities on AIR POLLUTION We visited Třinec Iron and Steel Works. We had a meeting with Mr Pietrosz – a specialist in environmental protection from Třinecké železárny We had a meeting with Mrs Krejčí – a specialist in hydrometeorology from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (Ostrava). We visited air monitoring station in Třinec – Kanada. We learned as much as possible about air pollution and made a presentation on this topic.


9 Ironworks employ 60 percent of the city's population. Ironworks plays an important role in the life of the region and the city. Ironworks supports Czech extra league hockey team HC Steelworkers TŘINEC.

10 Our class visited Třineck é želez á rny on 12th September 2012.

11 We started the tour of the blast furnace, which produces iron. The production process is controlled by the so-called control room. On the screen we saw the liquid iron. It flows from the furnace into a waiting car, which workers call torpedo.

12 It was really hot there – we were sweating in our safe clothes with long sleeves protecting our body.

13 People working under such conditions deserve our admiration.

14 Iron is the basis for production. Ironworks produces wires and rails, but ironworks pollutes the environment. Blast furnaces emit fumes and produce smog. In Třinecké Železárny there are two blast furnaces, which are as high as a twelve-storey house.




18 INVESTING IN THE ENVIRONMENT Since 1996, TZ invested roughly CZK 5.5 billion in environmental protection and plan to invest 2 billion

19 Emissions in Třinec (according to Třinecké železárny, a. s. – company profile) An inseparable part of the business plan of TZ has been for number of years an environment protection program. TZ makes permanent efforts to decrease the ecological load in its vicinity.


21 We had a meeting to find out the truth about the emissions coming out of Třinecké železárny and to get to know more about its environmental effort.

22 Mr Pietrosz informed us about the program of environmental protection ensured byTřinecké železárny. The program includes the care of natural greens at the territory of iron and steel works. As a matter of course is care of a bio-corridor along the Olše river which flows through the works on the distance of almost 7 km. The Olše river

23 We learned that the environmental policy is focused on observing the more severe emission limits corresponding to the standards and demands of the European Union.

24 The company was given the certificate: GREEN COMPANY


26 The presentation was on air quality in our region. Mrs Krejčí informed us for example about the annual limits of nitrogen dioxide for the protection of our health.


28 We learned about exceptional events, we were given an explanation of the term smog. In the graph you can see our country and its average daily smog concentration. Třinec is located in the most affected area.


30 Information about air pollution in Třinec we can find on the website of CZECH HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE

31 CZECH HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE Thanks to the website we can learn more about: the index of air quality pollution maps limit values annual tabular overview annual graphic overview actual 1-hour overview etc.

32 Air Quality Protection Division (CZECH HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE) provides us: Presentation of Measurement Results Air Quality Assessment in the Czech Republic Annual tabular overview

33 This station is monitoring the air quality in the centre of Třinec.

34 People in Třinec are informed about the measurements on the board situated in the centre of the town.


36 We got to the station by bus. Mrs Turoňová was already waiting for us.

37 This station is monitoring the air quality in Třinec- Kanada (near TZ).

38 We were told what is inside the station that was financed by European funds.

39 Information about the air quality – how it works... Regional collecting centre Air monitoring station Central Czech Republic database International exchange

40 Since September we took part in a few more activities related to our project and the environmental protection – students at our school decided to help animals to survive the winter time, they collected and stored the food for them (chestnuts and acorns) students in classes 4 and 5 participated in Arbor Day on 19 October 2012


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