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Volunteer Engagement - BOD 1 Status Update Bernice Brody Betty Shanahan Helen Patricia.

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1 Volunteer Engagement - BOD 1 Status Update Bernice Brody Betty Shanahan Helen Patricia

2 Goal #4-Inclusive Global Community Actions Objective 4.3: Restructure volunteer opportunities that are adapted to the diverse lifestyles and priorities of our members as measured by increased volunteer participation 1.Develop plan for engaging volunteers in new and inventive ways with pilot implementation by BOD4 including Senate feedback and ongoing metrics (Owner: Senate & HQ)

3 Dynamics Impacting Associations and Volunteerism Breaking up of the mass market – one size no longer fits all Association competitive advantage lies in enriching professional development, learning, connectivity and life itself through knowledge US styles, values and approaches no longer dominate the world

4 Volunteer Opportunities Levels of Volunteering Governance – Elected leaders Standing Positions – Committees, Ongoing projects Transitory Jobs – Adhoc volunteering, as needed jobs

5 Adhoc Volunteering Volunteer Adhocracy A volunteer who steps up to the plate on an as needed basis such as flexible volunteering. Short term commitment  59.9% of people who volunteer say they do so on an as needed or “adhoc” basis (ASAE Decision to Volunteer Study) Page 5

6 Categories of Adhoc Volunteerism Temporary one time assignments Occasional assignments that involve limited time over regular intervals Interim regular commitment to fulfill a project usually less than 6 – 9 months.

7 Considerations Members want volunteer opportunities for various reasons and personalized benefits Many members need individual contact to participate/engage (similar across all generations) Members want fun, connections, knowledge that they are making a difference, flexibility and balance in their volunteer experience.

8 Actions Define what it means to volunteer “for” SWE and “on behalf” of SWE Identify opportunities Communication on opportunities Website development Build awareness on how to navigate opportunities in the external community Train leadership to appropriately engage volunteers

9 Next Steps Work with Senate leadership to complete white paper (Oct 2011) Conduct dialogue with Senate to generate ideas for volunteer opportunities (Nov 2011) Senate review and feedback by Spring Meeting (Feb 2012) Definition of ongoing member engagement metrics (Feb 2012) Pilot implementation by BOD 4

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