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Memory as per psychological definition is a process of grasping, storing and retrieving the information associated with the daily life situation a person.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory as per psychological definition is a process of grasping, storing and retrieving the information associated with the daily life situation a person."— Presentation transcript:



3 Memory as per psychological definition is a process of grasping, storing and retrieving the information associated with the daily life situation a person experiences. Loss of memory means we lost our ability to memorize in the manner we used to do in the past. This could be due to insomnia, overdose of alcohol consumption, taking medicines, stress and depression, certain medication, being too busy whole day, etc.

4 We sometimes feel that we are not able to give our best focus on something important such as preparing for an exam or athletic rehearsal. So, what does that mean? It means that we are not able to concentrate on our work with our full potential to achieve fruitful results in our lives. This is known as poor concentration.

5 It can be caused by physical or psychological problems or may be due to sleep disorders or allopathic medications, alcohol etc. Poor concentration can be long-term or short-term depending upon the events that an individual is facing. Short-term concentration difficulties are temporary and occur due to daily hectic life’s situation.

6 For instance, if a family member meets an accident, then the person faces the troubles in preparing for exam. Long-term poor concentration requires medical help as it associated with long-term habits such as deficiency in Vitamins in our daily food intake or side effects of medications like antidepressants. Memory myths and facts: There are several common memory myths that are believed till date.

7 1.Memory is a physical substance or a ‘thing’. Memory is not a thing that could be touched. It is a psychological definition of way of information processing. 2.Memory can’t be improved. This is a wrong perception. Everyone has the ability to perform well by using well-organized mental skills.

8 3.There is a secret to a good memory. People believe that there is a trick to train the memory effortlessly which is not true. Without proper practice of mental skills, it is not possible to improve it. If you think that the ability of your memory is gradually decreasing then you don’t need to worry about any further. You have opened a genuine site whose main objective is to satisfy the clients.

9 After facing issues of insatiable results due to numerous ads over the internet claiming to be real and effective, we are there to provide you the natural cure for poor memory and concentration. We are very much familiar with the problems people are nowadays experiencing and also understand the every reason associated with that.

10 We trust on natural cure for poor memory which is purely an herbal based formula and we ensure you to enjoy the best results. The herbs used in this method are totally organic and do not undergo manufacture process for the refinement as we don’t compromise its quality for the sake of our clients throughout the world. This is the main reason why our method proves to be the best cure for poor memory.


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