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Published byBeverly Atkins Modified over 8 years ago
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING August 7, 2007 LOCATION: 1400 Main Street, Southlake, Texas Council Chambers in Town Hall WORK SESSION: 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. 1.Call to order. 2.Invocation: David Whitington, Chaplain of the Month 3.I2ACTion Award recognition 4.Development regulations for Southlake’s Southeast Quadrant – an area bounded by Continental Blvd., Brumlow Ave., SH 26, Kimball Ave., S.H. 114 and F.M 1709. 5.Discuss all items on tonight’s meeting agenda. REGULAR SESSION: 6:00 p.m. or immediately following the work session 1.Call to Order
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values 2A.Executive Session 2B.Reconvene/Action necessary from Executive Session 3A.Mayor’s Report 3B.City Manager’s Report 1.Introduction of new Assistant City Manager, Ben Thatcher 3C.Library Board Report CONSENT AGENDA: 4A.Approve the minutes from the July 17, 2007, regular City Council meeting and from the July 12, 2007, joint meeting with City Council and the P&Z Commission. 4B.Resolution No. 07-044, Create a community task force, Students and Parents Against Risks To Our Kids in Southlake (S.P.A.R.K.S.), set forth the purpose, membership, terms of office, voting, duties, and responsibilities of members, adopt bylaws; and, abolish the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. Resolution No. 07-044, Create a community task force, Students and Parents Against Risks To Our Kids in Southlake (S.P.A.R.K.S.), set forth the purpose, membership, terms of office, voting, duties, and responsibilities of members, adopt bylaws; and, abolish the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee.Resolution No. 07-044, Create a community task force, Students and Parents Against Risks To Our Kids in Southlake (S.P.A.R.K.S.), set forth the purpose, membership, terms of office, voting, duties, and responsibilities of members, adopt bylaws; and, abolish the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values 4C.Resolution No. 07-045, Appoint members to community task force, Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids in Southlake (S.P.A.R.K.S.). Resolution No. 07-045, Appoint members to community task force, Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids in Southlake (S.P.A.R.K.S.).Resolution No. 07-045, Appoint members to community task force, Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids in Southlake (S.P.A.R.K.S.). 4D.Award bid and authorize a contract to Red Moon, Inc., for the purchase, deliver, and installation of video cameras, video monitoring and archival system for the Southlake Town Square area in the amount of $292,265. Award bid and authorize a contract to Red Moon, Inc., for the purchase, deliver, and installation of video cameras, video monitoring and archival system for the Southlake Town Square area in the amount of $292,265.Award bid and authorize a contract to Red Moon, Inc., for the purchase, deliver, and installation of video cameras, video monitoring and archival system for the Southlake Town Square area in the amount of $292,265. 4E.Award bid to Dooley Tackaberry and Fire Supply for the purchase of equipment and supplies to outfit the aerial platform truck under construction in the amount of $133,287. Award bid to Dooley Tackaberry and Fire Supply for the purchase of equipment and supplies to outfit the aerial platform truck under construction in the amount of $133,287.Award bid to Dooley Tackaberry and Fire Supply for the purchase of equipment and supplies to outfit the aerial platform truck under construction in the amount of $133,287. 4F.Ordinance No. 910, 1 st Reading, Adopt an ordinance to dedicate drainage and utility easements on City owned property at 307 Parkwood for the purpose of constructing public improvements. Ordinance No. 910, 1 st Reading, Adopt an ordinance to dedicate drainage and utility easements on City owned property at 307 Parkwood for the purpose of constructing public improvements.Ordinance No. 910, 1 st Reading, Adopt an ordinance to dedicate drainage and utility easements on City owned property at 307 Parkwood for the purpose of constructing public improvements. 4G.Approve the Tarrant County Tax Collection Contract. Approve the Tarrant County Tax Collection Contract.Approve the Tarrant County Tax Collection Contract. 4H.ZA07-019, Preliminary Plat for Tealwood on Tract 2F1, J. Gibson Survey, Abstract No. 591 at 1589 E. Continental Blvd. Current Zoning: TZD. SPIN #7.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values 4I.Ordinance No. 480-LLL, 2 nd Reading, An amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance No. 480, as amended, as it pertains to the creation of the SF-2 Single Family Residential Zoning District. THIS ITEM IS TABLED TO THE SEPTEMBER 4, 2007, REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. REGULAR AGENDA 5.Public Forum. (The Public Forum will not begin prior to 7:00 p.m.) 6A.Ordinance No. 480-521, 2 nd Reading (ZA07-005), Zoning Change and Site Plan for Chapel Crossing Shopping Center at 245 W. S.H. 114 and 200 Countryside Ct. Current Zoning: AG and C-1. Requested Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #11. PUBLIC HEARING 6B.Consider SP07-240, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704- C for Chapel Crossing Shopping Center at 245 W. S.H. 114 and 200 Countryside Ct.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values 6C.Ordinance No. 480-386b, 2 nd Reading (ZA07-054), Zoning Change and Revised Site Plan for Cristina’s Fine Mexican Restaurant at 2707 E. Southlake Blvd. Current Zoning: S- P-2. Requested Zoning: S-P-2. SPIN #7. PUBLIC HEARING 6D.Consider SP07-231, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704-C for Cristina’s Fine Mexican Restaurant at 2707 E. Southlake Blvd., Suite 100. 6E.Resolution No. 07-030, (ZA07-045), Specific Use Permit for mass gathering event at Gateway Church at 1085 S. Kimball Ave. Current Zoning: S-P-1. SPIN #7. PUBLIC HEARING 6F.Ordinance No. 480-341a, 2 nd Reading (ZA07-066), Zoning Change and Site Plan for Commerce Business Park at 540 Commerce St. Current Zoning: S-P-1. Requested Zoning: S-P-1. SPIN #7. PUBLIC HEARING
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values 7A.Ordinance No. 480-222a, 1 st Reading (ZA05-112), Zoning Change & Concept Plan for The Gateway Church – S.H. 114 Campus, being approx. 214 acres in the R. Eads Survey, Abstract No. 481, being Tracts 1, 1A1, 1E, 2, 2A, 2B, 2B1A & 2C1 and in the T. Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049, being Tracts 2A, 2B, 2B1, 3, 3A, 3C, 5, 5C & 5D, and a portion of Tracts 1 & 1B1, along the north side of the 1500-1800 blocks of S. H. 114, along the south side of the 1300-1800 blocks of E. Highland St. & along the west side of the 600-900 blocks of N. Kimball Ave, & is approx. 600’ east of N. Carroll Ave. Current Zoning: NR-PUD & AG. Requested Zoning: NR-PUD. SPIN #6. 7B.Ordinance No. 480-528, 1 st Reading (ZA06-003), Zoning Change on approx. 2.24 acres of land being Tracts 2A1 2B1 and 3A, T. Mahan Survey, Abstract No. 1049, being approx. 600’ south of E. Highland St. Current Zoning: NR-PUD. Requested Zoning: AG. SPIN #6. 8A.Resolution No. 07-031, Appoint members to the Building Board of Appeals. 8B.Resolution No. 07-033, Appoint a City Council member to the Joint Utilization Committee.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values 8C.Resolution No. 07-034, Appoint members to the Library Board. 8D.Resolution No. 07-035, Appoint members to the Metroport Teen Court Advisory Board. 8E.Resolution No. 07-036, Appoint members to the Parks and Recreation Board. 8F.Resolution No. 07-037, Appoint members to the Planning & Zoning Commission. 8G.Resolution No. 07-038, Appoint members to the Senior Advisory Committee. 8H.Resolution No. 07-039, Appoint members to the Southlake Arts Council. 8I.Resolution No. 07-040, Appoint members to the Southlake Parks Development Corporation. 8J.Resolution No. 07-041, Appoint members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values 9A.Authorize the purchase of Caterpillar 924G Loader from Holt Cat Equipment through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $138,498. Authorize the purchase of Caterpillar 924G Loader from Holt Cat Equipment through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $138,498.Authorize the purchase of Caterpillar 924G Loader from Holt Cat Equipment through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $138,498. 9B.Authorize the purchase of a Truck-Mounted Sewer Jet- Cleaner from Rush Truck Centers and Harbin through Houston-Galveston Council of Governments in the amount of $129,309. Authorize the purchase of a Truck-Mounted Sewer Jet- Cleaner from Rush Truck Centers and Harbin through Houston-Galveston Council of Governments in the amount of $129,309.Authorize the purchase of a Truck-Mounted Sewer Jet- Cleaner from Rush Truck Centers and Harbin through Houston-Galveston Council of Governments in the amount of $129,309. 9C.Consider SP07-182, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704- C for Cornerstone Plaza, at 2707, 2717 and 2729 E. Southlake Blvd. 9D.Consider SP07-232, Variance to Sign Ordinance No. 704- C for Petsmart at 200 Village Center Drive. 9E.Place a proposal to adopt a tax increase and hold a public hearing on the tax rate on the agenda of the September 4 and 18, 2007, regular City Council meetings. Place a proposal to adopt a tax increase and hold a public hearing on the tax rate on the agenda of the September 4 and 18, 2007, regular City Council meetings.Place a proposal to adopt a tax increase and hold a public hearing on the tax rate on the agenda of the September 4 and 18, 2007, regular City Council meetings. 10A.Potential Charter Amendments. 11.Meeting Adjourned.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Items 4B & 4C Resolution No. 07-044 Creating a Community Task Force, Students and Parents Against Risks To Our Kids In Southlake (S.P.A.R.K.S), Setting Forth the Purpose, Membership, Terms of Office, Voting, Duties, and Responsibilities of Members, Adopting Bylaws; and, Abolishing the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee; and Resolution No. 07-045 Appointing Task Force Members
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values S.P.A.R.K.S Ten years after Southlake first created The Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee and conscious of an ever changing social landscape we are pleased to announce a new commitment to empowering our Citizens in the battle against underage drinking, drugs and internet perils.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values S.P.A.R.K.S Students and Parents Against Risks to our Kids in Southlake
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values S.P.A.R.K.S Mission Statement Sparking ideas, sharing information, identifying needs, educating the Community, Mobilizing resources, promoting collaboration and advocating for sound public policy
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values S.P.A.R.K.S New Membership Make Up: Two members of the City Council, appointed by the City Council; one of whom shall serve as Chair; One member of the School Board, appointed by the School Board; One member who is a young adult residing in Southlake, appointed by the City Council. One member who is a School Resource Officer; One member who is a licensed chemical dependency counselor (LCD) or other licensed mental health professional, appointed by City Council One member who is a School Counselor from either the High School or Senior High School, appointed by the School Board One member of a PTO, appointed by the PTO President One member who is a youth minister, appointed by City Council; Two students from Carroll High School and Two students from Carroll Senior High School, nominated by the Principle and the School Resource Officer of each school. Two members who are citizens at-large and are parents, appointed by the City Council One member representing Teen Court, recommended by the City Manager and appointed by the City Council
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values S.P.A.R.K.S Opportunities Access to resources through the City Website Column in the City Newspaper Monthly Column in a local newspaper Sponsorship of School/Community Events Commercial to run on City Cable Site Column in PTO Newsletter Tips for Parents Peer groups at the local campuses Mascot ?? for school sports events Coordinated "safety" events through Parks and Recreation (Safety Town) PTO events for younger students
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values S.P.A.R.K.S Questions? Council Member Laura Hill
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Item 4D Consider: Award the bid and authorize the City to enter into a contract with Red Moon, Inc. for the purchase, delivery, and installation of a video monitoring and archival system in the amount of $292,265.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Security Camera Contract Requests for bids were issued by the City of Southlake Four companies attended pre-bid meeting One company submitted bid – Red Moon, Inc.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Security Camera Contract Camera system consists of: –31 cameras (pan-tilt-zoom & fixed) –Archival system (30 days of video) –80 gHz wireless system –Expandable system Southlake Blvd. Hwy. 114
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Security Camera Contract Red Moon, Inc was the only vendor to submit a bid for the security camera system Purchase, delivery, & installation of a security camera system and archival system - $257,513 Training and one year of camera maintenance - $17,000 Extended warranty on most expensive components - $ 17,752
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Security Camera Maintenance Other contractual points –Pricing of components is guaranteed for one year –Maintenance for five year period is $125/hr and materials at cost +15%
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Security Camera Contract Total bid price for camera system and one year’s maintenance: $ 257,513 $ 17,000 (Training and one year maintenance) +________________________________ $ 274,513 subtotal $ 17,752 (Extended warranty on +BridgeWave radios) _________________________________ $292,265 total
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Questions? Contact Chief Wade Goolsby
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Item 4E Award bid and approve the purchase of equipment and supplies from Fire Supply and Dooley Tackaberry to outfit the Sutphen Aerial Platform in an amount not to exceed $133,287.00
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Vendors Selected and Costs Dooley Tackaberry - $94,430Dooley Tackaberry - $94,430 –Scott Air packs –45 minute cylinders –Face pieces Fire Supply - $38,857Fire Supply - $38,857 –Hurst rescue tool and power unit –Honda generator –Vetter air bag system –Misc. rescue tools and equipment
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Bidding All items were sent out for bid by Tim Slifka in the Finance Department and meet City guidelines for purchasing.All items were sent out for bid by Tim Slifka in the Finance Department and meet City guidelines for purchasing.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Staff Recommendation Council approval of the purchase of supplies and equipment to outfit the Sutphen aerial platform in an amount not to exceed $133,287.00.Council approval of the purchase of supplies and equipment to outfit the Sutphen aerial platform in an amount not to exceed $133,287.00.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Questions? Contact Robert Finn
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Item 4F Ordinance No. 910, 1st Reading, Adopt an ordinance to dedicate drainage and utility easements on City owned property at 307 Parkwood
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Location Map 325 E. Southlake Blvd.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Approve Dedication of Easements Purpose: City Charter requires ordinance to “Convey, lease or authorize the conveyance or lease of any lands of the city.” City is conveying property rights to City
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Approve Dedication of Easements Purpose: Drainage Easement – For construction of public drainage improvements. –Natural Course of drainage –Allows for development of Providence Bank site Utility Easement – For construction of 8-inch water line extension
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Values
Integrity ♦ Innovation ♦ Accountability ♦ Commitment to Excellence ♦ Teamwork Values
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Approve Dedication of Easements RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 910 adopting an ordinance to dedicate drainage and utility easements on City owned property at 307 Parkwood for the purpose of constructing public improvementsApprove Ordinance No. 910 adopting an ordinance to dedicate drainage and utility easements on City owned property at 307 Parkwood for the purpose of constructing public improvements.
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Approve Dedication of Easements Funding: Cost – County Record Filing Fee Funding - Public Works/ Administration Budget
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Questions? Bob Price
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Item 4G Tarrant County Tax Collection Contract
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Contract provisions Since 1982, the Tarrant County has collected property taxes for the City;Since 1982, the Tarrant County has collected property taxes for the City; Tarrant County charges $.50 per account;Tarrant County charges $.50 per account; –The fee is a very reasonable charge for the service provided ($7,500);
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Contract provisions The contract provides for daily disbursements when collections exceed $100 or the close of the month;The contract provides for daily disbursements when collections exceed $100 or the close of the month; There are provisions that allow the City to perform an audit of the County’s collection process;There are provisions that allow the City to perform an audit of the County’s collection process;
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values QUESTIONS? Sharen Jackson
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Item 9A Authorize the purchase of a Caterpillar 924G Loader from Holt Cat Equipment through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $138, 498.00
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Caterpillar 924G Loader
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Front-end Loader Purpose: –Routine maintenance of the Drainage systems requires the use of loaders to move material –Cleaning ditches, channels and creeks involves removing large quantities of silt and debris –Proactive maintenance of drainage ways improves flows and reduces the likelihood of property damage from flooding
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Front-end Loader Process: –This equipment is available through the cooperative purchasing program offered by the BuyBoard –The Caterpillar 924G Loader is offered by Holt Cat Equipment for $138,498.00
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Front-end Loader RECOMMENDATION: –Authorize the purchase of a Caterpillar 924G Loader from Holt Cat Equipment through the BuyBoard Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $138,498.00
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Front-end Loader Funding: Funds are available FY 07 Drainage Utility Fund Operating budget
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Questions?
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Item 9B Authorize the purchase of Truck-mounted Sewer Jet-Cleaner from Rush Truck Centers and Harben through Houston- Galveston Council of Governments (HGAC) in the amount of $129,308.81
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Sewer Jet-Cleaner Purpose: –Routine maintenance of the Sewer collection system includes line cleaning –Gravity sewer systems require maintenance to remove grease and other debris –Proactive maintenance prevents backups in to homes and sewer overflows
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Sewer Jet-Cleaner Process: –This equipment is available through the cooperative purchasing program offered by the HGAC –The truck cab and chassis will be purchased from Rush Truck Centers of Texas for a cost of $60,437.00 –The sewer cleaning equipment is to be provided by Harben at a cost of $68,871.81
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Sewer Jet-Cleaner RECOMMENDATION: –Authorize the purchase of Truck- mounted Sewer Jet-Cleaner from Rush Truck Centers and Harben through Houston-Galveston Council of Governments (HGAC) in the amount of $129,308.81
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Purchase of a Sewer Jet-Cleaner Funding: Funds are available FY 07 Utility Fund Operating budget Wastewater Division
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Questions?
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Item 9E Proposal to Adopt a Tax Increase and hold a Public Hearing
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Proposed Tax Rate Proposed tax rate is $.462Proposed tax rate is $.462 –No change from FY2007 –Exceeds effective tax rate $.433798 –Exceeds rollback rate $.430337
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values Truth-in Taxation Requirements Because tax rate exceeds both the rollback and effective rates, Council mustBecause tax rate exceeds both the rollback and effective rates, Council must –Vote to place proposal to adopt the “increase” on a future agenda –Hold a public hearing September 4, 2007September 4, 2007 September 18, 2007September 18, 2007 (regular City Council meetings)
Integrity Innovation Accountability Commitment to Excellence Teamwork Values QUESTIONS? Sharen Jackson
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