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D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Deer Lakes High School Course Offerings Fair March 31, 2016 Welcome Students & Families….

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Presentation on theme: "D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Deer Lakes High School Course Offerings Fair March 31, 2016 Welcome Students & Families…."— Presentation transcript:

1 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Deer Lakes High School Course Offerings Fair March 31, 2016 Welcome Students & Families….

2 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Agenda 6:00 PMWelcome & Agenda Review 6:05 PMScheduling Presentation Course Offerings Video Introduction of Staff & Guests 6:45 – 7:45 PMCourse Offerings Fair

3 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Scheduling Timeline Current GradeClassroom PresentationsCourse Selections Grade 11April 4, 2016April 7, 2016 Grade 10April 4, 2016April 8, 2016 Grade 9April 5, 2016April 11, 2016 Grade 8April 11, 2016April 15, 2016

4 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Recommended Credit Selections Current GradeMinimum # of Credits Grade 116.5 Credits Grade 107 Credits Grade 97 Credits Grade 87 Credits

5 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL New Course Offerings AP Physics 1Evolution of Games & Game DesignFitness & Health 10 AP Physics 23D Modeling 1Foundations of Art Algebra 1AGamemaker Programming 1Drawing 1 & 2 Algebra 1BSports & Entertainment MarketingPainting 1 & 2 GeometryPersonal FinancePottery 1 & 2 AP StatisticsReal World LivingSculpture 1 & 2 ScreenwritingClothing & Textile Construction 1 & 2Yearbook AP Spanish 5Mechanical Drawing & Auto-CADGlobal Café AP French 5Mandarin Chinese (via Distance Learning)Today’s Foods

6 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Changes for the 2016 - 2017 School Year Removal of Pre-Requisites:  Have discussions with your students  Staff will offer assistance & advice  Students should consult with their current teacher Course Sequencing:  Courses should be taken in the appropriate order to promote skill acquisition & development Semester Courses:  Some courses will meet for half of the school year  Students will earn.50 credit for each course successfully taken  Courses are marked in the Course Selections Guide

7 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Introduction of Staff & Guests Mrs. Donna HowellsMs. Christy Culp Mrs. Patty McDermottMr. Jeffrey Fullem Dr. Jennifer MannMr. Scott Shepard Mr. David VeschiMrs. Mandy Beck Mr. Josh DesteinMr. Wesley Kuchta Mrs. Desiree RotondoMrs. Jaclyn Castma Mrs. Sue Oliver

8 D EER L AKES S CHOOL D ISTRICT D EER L AKES H IGH S CHOOL Course Selection Guide Information for the Course Selection Guide can be found on the Deer Lakes School District web site.  School District Home Page located under the “Quick Links” Section  High School Home Page located under the “Quick Links” Section

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