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Germany By: Suhana Kanungo November 29/2012. Maps.

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Presentation on theme: "Germany By: Suhana Kanungo November 29/2012. Maps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Germany By: Suhana Kanungo November 29/2012

2 Maps


4 Statistics Population: 81,726,000 (As of 2011) Official Language: German Capital City: Berlin, Germany Major Export: Motor Vehicles, machinery, chemical products, electrical devices. Major Religion: No set belief, most common belief is Christianity. Area: 357,100 km²



7 CURRENCY German Currency: EURO Exchange Rate: $100 Canadian = 77.6874 Euro’s

8 1419-1436 Hussite Wars 1522-1546 Mini Wars 1618-1648 Thirty Years war 1756-1763 Seven Years War 1914- World War One begins 1919- World War One Ends 1939- Germany invades Poland 1939- World War Two Begins 1945-Hitler Commits Suicide 1945- Germany Surrenders, World War Two ends 1948-1949 Berlin blockade, Federal Republic and GDR established 1934-1945 Nazi Holocaust 1990-West and East Germany Unite 1941- Germans invade USSR 1989- Fall of Berlin Wall 1961- Berlin Wall Built 1991- Berlin Named Capital 2002- Euro Introduced Timeline of important events for Germany

9 FOOD Food is a major part of the German Culture, German food is known for delicious, tasty foods, and its originality. Some of the food may include:

10 Tourist Attractions This place called “Neuschwanstien” also know as the ultimate fairytale castle. This castle was an inspiration when creating Sleeping Beauty. This is best place to visit when planning a trip to Germany!

11 Other tourist attractions:

12 Interesting Facts! Germany has been the largest economy in Europe German is the third most common language taught in the world Gummy Bears were invented by a German There are over 150 Castles in Germany Albert Einstein was German Forests and woodlands take up 31% of the country There are over 300 kinds of bread in Germany The first printed book was in German Berlin (capital of Germany) is five times bigger than Paris Most taxis in Germany are Mercedes Berlin has the largest train station in Europe

13 BIBLIOGRAPHY _exports_of_Germany 8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1&redir_esc=&ei=mx62UJXKN7CPyAH-wICYBg m/w/page/23780576/German%20religion%20graph K_DBd2Uw&pq=germany%27s%20currency&cp=22&gs_id=pn&xhr=t&q=german+currency+exch ange&pf=p&tbo=d&sclient=psy- b&oq=german+currency+exchan&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=37c512872 4206f5a&bpcl=39314241&biw=1024&bih=624,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.& bpcl=39314241&biw=1024&bih=624&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Nz-4UJmPH4WA2AWywIDgBA

14 Thank you for watching my slideshow on Germany!

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