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Office of Global Health and HIV (OGHH) Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Health Financial Literacy and Household Economic Strengthening.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Global Health and HIV (OGHH) Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Health Financial Literacy and Household Economic Strengthening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Global Health and HIV (OGHH) Office of Overseas Programming & Training Support (OPATS) Health Financial Literacy and Household Economic Strengthening for Families Affected by HIV

2 Families in Destitution little/no incomefew/no expensesno money management

3 Helping Families in Destitution  Assist in developing household budgeting skills  Link them to community and/or government support

4 Interventions and Considerations for Families in Destitution  Link to support at the national or community level—direct transfer of resources (cash or food)  May come with conditions  Strongly discourage PCVs from directly supporting families in destitution with cash themselves  Building linkages at the community or national level may be appropriate

5 Families Struggling to Make Ends Meet erratic income erratic expenses weak money management

6 Helping Families Struggling to Make Ends Meet  Assist in developing household budgeting skills  Link them to community and/or government support, if necessary  Engage families in savings groups

7 Interventions and Considerations for Families Struggling to Make Ends Meet  Budgeting  Example: Savings Groups (SGs)/Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs)  SGs are more accessible and appropriate for rural groups  Ensure that SGs are implemented correctly  DO NOT inject your own funds into SGs or manage their funds  SGs are self-governing

8 Families Prepared to Grow erratic incomeconsistent expensesadequate money management

9 Helping Families Prepared to Grow Assist in developing household budgeting skills Link them to community and/or government support, if necessary Engage with families in savings groups Engage with families in income generating activities, if appropriate

10 Interventions and Considerations for Families Prepared to Grow  Income Promotion or Income Generating Projects—helps families invest in appropriate low-risk activities to diversify and stimulate moderate growth in household income  Ensure that income streams are diversified and reliable have a low investment  PCVs should consult with an expert in this area and ensure that families are equipped to finance their efforts on their own

11 Recognizing Family Typologies Food SecurityIncomeAssetsPeace Corps Response Families in Destitution SevereLittle/noneNone Link to support Budget Families Struggling to Make Ends Meet ModerateFluctuating Link to support ? Budget Savings Groups Families Prepared to Grow MildFluctuatingConsistent Budget Savings Groups Income Generating Activities

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