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The environment is on your event’s guest list EventScotland 24 April 2009 Green events.

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Presentation on theme: "The environment is on your event’s guest list EventScotland 24 April 2009 Green events."— Presentation transcript:

1 The environment is on your event’s guest list EventScotland 24 April 2009 Green events

2 the changing climate green role models simple steps to green What we will cover

3 the changing climate green role models simple steps to green What we will cover

4 tourism employs 200,000 people in Scotland and generates spending of over £4 billion per year many come to Scotland for its unspoilt beauty. This wilderness is being threatened by climate change each US East coast visitor emits 1.3 tonnes of CO 2 from their flight - enough to fill a hot air balloon CO 2 from UK hospitality buildings would fill Murrayfield 9,400 times the UK and Scotland have 34% carbon reduction targets to meet by 2020. Targets will bite (and be tightened). Aviation is likely to be taxed Tourism’s environmental dilemma

5 ‘eco’-tourism is growing 3 times faster than conventional tourism * for example: 27% chose a tour operator for its eco-ethos. An additional 58% said the eco- experience made a better holiday ** sponsors, funding bodies are also increasingly concerned about environmental footprints focus on: air miles, food miles, energy, waste, recycling, carbon neutral Audiences expect ‘eco’ * International Ecotourism Society ** Wilderness Scotland, customer survey 2008

6 The question for many organisers “how can I do the right thing, simply, and improve my event at the same time?”

7 the changing climate green role models simple steps to green What we will cover

8 T in The Park green push driven by audience pressure, concern for the planet (bad publicity?) transport: growing proportion of coaches, buses recycling: cup, can, battery and tents climate: CO 2 emissions offset, overseas projects results: PR and ‘Clean and Green’ prize…

9 ExCel energy: invested in CHP, halving CO 2 emissions and costs transport: well linked via DLR and buses waste: food goes to the 300,000 wriggling inhabitants of its wormery result: fertiliser is sold to garden centres, generating an income

10 EICC: Plan-it green scheme management: staff work closely with event organisers to source local food… choose recycled products encourage use of public transport… make contributions to local tree planting to balance delegates' travel emissions result: green service to clients

11 the changing climate green role models simple steps to green What we will cover

12 diagnosis of your environmental performance, benchmarked against other events carbon reduction programme, including energy, food and drink, transport and waste carbon offset or balancing communication Simple steps to green

13 Sample diagnosis

14 Identify quick wins and cost saving: venue choice sources of food and drink mode of transport destination of waste Reduction

15 Cost depends on project type, location. 50p for local delegate - £50 for NZ Local carbon balancing or overseas? Who pays? - organiser - delegate: compulsory, opt-in, opt-out Carbon neutral, balancing local: community investment overseas: verified compliance credits

16 logos, invites, delegate collateral, web introductory address posters, display boards interactive carbon footprinting of delegates press release and PR Communication



19 people expect green - and it’s a differentiator management of your event starts with its environmental health check energy, food, transport and waste go beyond this to carbon neutral strong position for communication to delegates and wider audiences Summary

20 Charles Henderson Director e: t: 07740 946955 footprints : reduction : benchmarking : carbon credits : communication Contact


22 environmental issue recap CarbonNeutral events Ipsos Mori polls Additional slides

23 environment - climate and carbon - waste ethical sourcing and investment people and communities ‘eco’ themes for event organisers: quick recap

24 urgent need to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 80% by 2050 (Climate Bill target) this will limit temperature rises to a minimum two degree rise - could rise as much as five degrees by the end of the century what is changing? weather, biosphere, agriculture; energy sources; culture: perception of consumption, travel and energy source: IPCC Climate change


26 globally, people are using 25% more natural resources than the planet can replace if everyone in the world was as wasteful as we are in the UK we would need three planets the average person in the UK throws out their body weight in rubbish every 3 month Waste sources: FoE, WWF

27 Procurement: 40% of UK food is imported $604bn of imports in 2006 ($450bn exports) Finance: about 1% of the £500 billion of UK pension investments is defined as ‘ethical’ in the US, one in eight dollars is invested ethically ie it is screened for arms, tobacco, alcohol Q: what proportion is harming the climate? sources: wiki, Aon consulting, Ethical Investment Association Ethical sourcing and investment

28 do venues, contractors operate under an equal opportunities policy? are clients’ products, services and approaches ethical? do clients contribute to their local communities? does the organiser contribute to local communities? People and communities




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