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National Aeronautics and Space Administration Environmental Control & Life Support Systems for Mars Exploration 2016 Humans to Mars Summit Robyn Gatens.

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Presentation on theme: "National Aeronautics and Space Administration Environmental Control & Life Support Systems for Mars Exploration 2016 Humans to Mars Summit Robyn Gatens."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Environmental Control & Life Support Systems for Mars Exploration 2016 Humans to Mars Summit Robyn Gatens |Deputy Director, ISS Division| NASA HQ

2 2 Mars is harder for ECLSS Regular resupplies of makeup consumables, spare parts 42% air loop closure 90% water loop closure 6 months of spares Ability to return and analyze environmental samples on Earth Emergency crew return capability Trash disposal No resupply 75% air loop closure 98% water loop closure 3 years of spares On orbit monitoring No emergency crew return No trash disposal

3 Exploration ECLSS Diagram 3

4 4 ECLSS & Environmental Monitoring Capability Gaps FunctionCapability Gaps Gap criticality as applicable to ug transit HabOrion CO2 RemovalBed and valve reliability; ppCO2 <2 mmHg5 O2 recovery from CO2Recover >75% O2 from CO25 Urine brine processingWater recovery from urine brine >85%5 Metabolic solid waste collectionLow-mass, universal waste collection5X Trace Contaminant ControlReplace obsolete sorbents w/ higher capacity; siloxane removal4X Condensing Heat ExchangerDurable, chemically-inert hydrophilic surfaces with antimicrobial properties4 Water microbial controlCommon silver biocide with on-orbit redosing4 Contingency urine collectionBackup, no moving parts urine separator4X Urine processingReliability, 85% water from urine, dormancy survival4 Atmosphere monitoring Small, reliable atmosphere monitor for major constituents, trace gases, targeted gases4X* Water monitoringIn-flight identification & quantification of species in water4 Microbial monitoringNon-culture based in-flight monitor with species identification & quantification4 O2 generationSmaller, reduced complexity, alternate H2 sensor3 High pressure O2 High pressure (3000 psi) O2 for EVA/on-demand O2 supply for contingency medical3 Wastewater processing (WPA) Reliability (ambient temp, reduced pressure catalyst), reduced expendables, dormancy survival3 Non-metabolic solid wasteVolume reduction, stabilization, resource recovery3 Particulate monitoringOn-board measurement of particulate hazards3 Particulate FiltrationSurface dust pre-filter; regen filter2 Atmosphere circulationQuiet fans2 Logistics Reduction10:1 volume reduction logistical and clothing2 Metabolic solid waste treatmentUseful products from metabolic waste1 Gap Criticality: 5 – high 1 - low

5 ECLSS Testing on ISS 201620172018201920202021202220232024 Technology 1 Technology 2 Gap 1 Technology 1 Technology 2 Technology 3 Gap 2 Technology 1 Gap 3 … Test ECLSS Systems on ISS Test ECLSS Systems on ISS Final Downselects Multiple launches to deliver components Early ISS demonstrations Systems feed into Phase 2 Cislunar Validation of Exploration Capability Build ECLSS Systems

6 Progress – Air Revitalization CO2 Removal –improved sorbents –alternate technology development Oxygen Generation –testing to reduce complexity –high pressure cell stack development –oxygen concentrator development Oxygen Recovery/CO2 Reduction –new technology development Condensing Heat Exchanger –improved coatings development Trace Contaminant Control –alternate commercial sorbent testing –integrated architecture Particulate Filtration –pre-filter and regenerable filter development 6 Scrolling Screen Pre-filter 3 rd Gen PPA High Flow Recombiner

7 Progress – Water Reclamation 7 Urine processing –new pretreat formula on ISS returns capability to 85% recovery –pump reliability improvements Water processing –improved catalyst development –extended life filters –alternate technology/reverse osmosis testing & trade Brine processing –ISS flight demonstration in development Silver biocide –development of on orbit injection capability

8 Progress – Waste Management 8 Commode –universal waste management system for ISS demo & Orion –minimum mass fecal container Trash management –heat melt compactor development –trash to gas development Fecal processing –torrefaction Logistics Reduction –long wear clothing –repurposing of packaging and cargo bags

9 Progress – Environmental Monitoring 9 Atmosphere Monitors –micro GC/MS for major constituents and trace gases –laser-based monitors for combustion products and targeted gases –improved mass spec for ISS & Orion use Water Monitor –ISS demo water monitoring suite Organic, inorganic, microbial –front end to atmosphere monitor for water samples Microbial Monitor –PCR (Razor) flight demonstration –DNA sequencer flight demonstration Particulate Monitor –aerosol sampler flight demonstration (survey) –SBIR particulate monitor development Thermophoretic Sampler (TPS) (Credit: RJ Lee Group) SAM Organic Water Monitor Flow Controller s Detector assembly with TCD and PIDs GC Column

10 Standards Draft standards are in work to ensure interoperability between potential technologies and systems –Atmosphere Partial pressure of CO 2 allowed in atmosphere Oxygen purity and pressure Cabin atmosphere pressure, %O2, and purity –Water Potable water purity and residual biocide Urine characteristics and urine pretreatment, test methods –Requirements for on-board environmental monitors Atmosphere Water Microbial –Physical interfaces for modular architecture 10

11 Questions? 11

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