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Lesson 3 + 4: Types of development – Top-down

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1 Lesson 3 + 4: Types of development – Top-down
MUST: To recognise and describe the differences between the top down and bottom up approach SHOULD: To recognise and explain the differences between top down and bottom up approaches with reference to a development scheme COULD: To explain in detail the differences between top down and bottom up approaches and explain a top-down development scheme and know its advantages and disadvantages

2 Starter Activity

3 What is top- down development?
These tend to be big schemes and decisions are made by the national government. Local people who often live near the scheme do not get involved in the process Examples:

4 Top Down Decision Making
Local People

5 What is bottom-up development?
Local people are fully involved in the process and decision making Examples:

6 Bottom Up Decision Making
External Groups e.g. World Bank, TNCs Decision made here National Government Local People

7 Brainstorm for each type of development the positives and negatives
Top Down Approach

8 Brainstorm for each type of development the positives and negatives
Bottom Up approach

9 Top Down Approach Conditions often attached to the loans
Relies on external links and technology Dams etc provide energy needed for the country to develop Uses machinery etc rather than providing jobs for local people Top Down Approach Often environmentally effective as they use cheaper fuels e.g. HEP Country gets into debt as it borrows money from the World Bank etc As these areas grow the take away resources from peripheral areas

10 Bottom up Approach Involve the local people
Appropriate technology to the local skill level Bottom up Approach Low cost Very limited impact of national poverty levels

11 Which is the best option?
Looking at both Top down and bottom up approaches to development, which do you feel is the best option and why?

12 Task 1 In pairs or individually produce a case study card on the Santo Anton Dam Scheme in Brazil. Needs to include: Simplified map Using the map and atlas describe the location and characteristics of the Maderia Dam Identify the top 3 advantages and disadvantages from social, economic and enviromental Using information from p.236 and p.237 explain how the Santo Antonio Dam, a top-down scheme, has met the needs of Brazil, and assess how successful it has been

13 Plenary For a named example of a top-down development strategy, explain how successful if has been in meting the needs of the developing country (6 marks)

14 Homework Write a report/Powerpoint in which you investigate the enviornmental, social and economic impacts of the Maderia scheme. Do you think that the government should have said yes? Why? Why not? Min 500 words

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