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Can – May - Should How do we use them? Modal Verbs Can, may, and should are modal verbs. There are many other modal verbs, like may, must, and could.

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Presentation on theme: "Can – May - Should How do we use them? Modal Verbs Can, may, and should are modal verbs. There are many other modal verbs, like may, must, and could."— Presentation transcript:


2 Can – May - Should How do we use them?

3 Modal Verbs Can, may, and should are modal verbs. There are many other modal verbs, like may, must, and could. Modal verbs are always followed by a verb in the base form. For example: He can speak Russian. She may leave early today. You should eat your spinach.

4 Modal Verbs Each modal verb has a specific meaning: Can means you are able to do something. May means you aren’t sure if you will do something. Should means that it is a good idea to do something.

5 Note Modal verbs do not take –(e)s in present tense, -ing in present continuous, will in future, or –ed in past. For example: He cans do it. I am maying go now. You will should do more work. They shoulded do it yesterday.

6 Examples He can speak French. = He is able to speak French. You should study now. = It is a good idea to study every day. I may buy a new car next year. = I am not sure if I will buy a new car next year. (Note: All the blue verbs are in the base form.)

7 In summary Modal verbs are always followed by a verb in the base form. Each modal verb has a specific meaning. Modal verbs do not take –(e)s in present tense, -ing in present continuous, will in future, or –ed in past.

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