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Focal Area and Cross Cutting Strategies – Chemicals GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop July 19 – 21, 2011 Monrovia, Liberia.

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Presentation on theme: "Focal Area and Cross Cutting Strategies – Chemicals GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop July 19 – 21, 2011 Monrovia, Liberia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Focal Area and Cross Cutting Strategies – Chemicals GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop July 19 – 21, 2011 Monrovia, Liberia

2 Chemicals Management

3 Brings together POPs, Ozone Depletion Substances, Mercury and Sound Chemical Management for increased coherence $425 million allocated to chemicals. The distribution of resources is as follows: POPs: $375 million Ozone: $25 million Sound chemicals management and mercury reduction: $25 million 3

4 Chemicals Objectives for GEF-5 Objective 1: Phase out POPs and reduce POPs releases Five outcomes are expected for this objective: Production and use of controlled POPs chemicals phased out; Exempted POPs chemicals used in an environmentally sound manner; POPs releases to the environment reduced; POPs waste prevented, managed, and disposed of, and POPs contaminated sites managed in an environmentally sound manner; and Country capacity built to effectively phase out and reduce releases of POPs. 4

5 Objective 2: Phase out ODS and reduce ODS releases The GEF-5 strategy for chemicals includes provisions for further investments in economies in tradition to support countries meet their reporting obligations under the Montreal Protocol, including implementation of HCFCs phase out plans. Chemicals Objectives for GEF-5

6 Objective 3: Pilot Sound Chemicals Management and Mercury Reduction  Sound Chemicals Management - Activities are intended to support synergistic interventions that generate multi-focal area benefits through projects that significantly contribute and produce positive impacts towards the fulfillment of obligations in relevant conventions (including Stockholm Convention, Convention on Biological Diversity, Convention to Combat Desertification, and others). Chemicals Objectives for GEF-5

7  Objective 3: Pilot Sound Chemicals Management and Mercury Reduction (continued)  Demonstration of mercury reduction activities through:  Reducing mercury use and exposure in Artisanal and Small- scale Goal Mining (ASGM)  Enhancing capacity for safe storage  Reducing atmospheric emissions of mercury  Improving data and scientific information at national level  Managing wastes and contaminated sites  Pilot implementation of SAICM priorities to generate global environmental benefits; Pilot implementation of SAICM priorities to generate global environmental benefits. Possible project areas include:  Lead in paint;  E-wastes and  Chemicals in products Chemicals Objectives for GEF-5

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