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BA Curriculum Development at University of Nis and Novi Sad Oct. 8th -10th 2014 UNIVERSITY OF NIS TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher.

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Presentation on theme: "BA Curriculum Development at University of Nis and Novi Sad Oct. 8th -10th 2014 UNIVERSITY OF NIS TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 BA Curriculum Development at University of Nis and Novi Sad Oct. 8th -10th 2014 UNIVERSITY OF NIS TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Curricular Reform 544246-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-JPCR

2 objective of the project Strengthening higher education in the field of social policy making and social services delivery by improving existing study programs, develop new study programs, and establish effective links between academic programs and social and labor market needs.

3 Base line studies WP 1 D1.1 An investigation of the needs of social service delivery in Serbia linked to health, ageing, occupational accidents, unemployment, retirement and disability D1.2 Mapping of different study programs within which professional are educated with competencies to work in the fields of social protection and in the field of social inclusion, as well as qualified professionals to work as social analysts (social policy making, jurists, social work, sociology, social welfare, social inclusion, social pedagogy, special education teachers, pedagogues, psychologists) D1.3 Providing knowledge-transfer and describing and mapping qualification standards, educational profiles and jobs classification in the field of social policy making and social service delivery (social welfare and social inclusion) D1.4 Mobility paths for students between different study programs and different levels of study in the field of social policy, social work and social sciences.

4 Base line studies WP 1 D1.5 SHESPSS project will initiate and prepare material for the future national qualification standards and mutually adjusting national jobs classification and educational profiles of students in the field of social policy and social services delivery. -Agreement among Serbian partners about jointly defined and commonly adopted competences and learning outcomes for students in the field of social policy making and social service delivery.

5 Goals WP2 The main aim is to develop new curricula and to improve existing curricula in consistency with EU standards in Higher Education of Social Policy making and Social Service delivery. 1) A new B.A. study program in Social Policy and Social Work and 2 new M.A. study programs in Social Work and Social Pedagogy at the University of Nis 2) B.A. study program in Social Work and M.A. study program in Sociology for Social Welfare at the University of Novi Sad 3) At the University of Belgrade existing curricula in Social Policy and Social Work at both B.A. (70 ETCS), M.A. (17 ETCS) and Ph.D. level (20 ETCS) will be restructured. Also University of Belgrade will develop 5 courses for professionals/civil servants, 2 courses at B.A. level (5 ETCS each), 3 courses at M.A. level, Belgrade will develop a Ph.D. course (5 ETCS). All these activities are gathered in work package 2 (WP2).

6 Study visits Denmark Host University College Zealand Jesper Satage Petersen assistant professor, Master of Educational Sociology Subject: Bridging the theory/practice gap in teaching social work and social pedagogy Jun 2nd-6th 2014 9.00-16.30







13 Study visits UNITED KINGDOM Host Institute of Education, University of London Claire Cameron professor of Social Pedagogy and Co-Deputy Director Subject: Training the teachers in curriculum development + Teaching and assessment methods Sept.15th-19th 2014 9.30-17.30 Visiting Coram Foundling Museum






19 WORKSHOP AGENDA DAY I (08.10.2014.) 9:30 - 17:00 University of Niš (Hall No. 8) Moderators: Jelisaveta Todorović and Danijela Gavrilović Session: Standards of Qualifications 09:30 - 10:00Iintroductory speech, greeting the participants and the announcement of the work plan 10:00 - 11:30The research results within WP1 (each university, UBG, UNS, UNI will report for half an hour on the results of the research to which they recieved, in relation to employment, personnel, skills, job descriptions and qualification standards in view, as well as on documents that they produced) 11:30 - 11:45 Coffee break 11:45 - 13:00 Working in small groups (mixed groups of 5-6 people): What has been gained during the work on the project, and what is left open (4 small groups working for 25 minutes and then present for 4 x 10 minutes) review of WP1 working plan realization 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 14:45 Standards of qualifications, social policy, BA and differences in relation to the MA; difference in jobs for various levels of study (UNI) 14:45 - 15:15 Discussion 15:15 – 15:30 Coffee break 15:30 - 16:30 Standards of social work education - displaying the results of the reviewed research and afterwards discussion (UBG) 16:30 - 17:00 Discussion

20 DAY II (09.10.2014.) 10:00 - 17:15 University of Nis (Hall No. 8) Moderators: Gorana Đorić and Gordana Đigić Session: The purpose, objectives and outcomes of the program for Social Policy and Social Work BA 10:00 -10:30 The necessary facilities for the basic studies in the field of social work (by the International standards for the education of social workers and the General standards for education in Serbia (UBG) 10:30 - 11:00 University of Belgrade (how the existing program of Social Policy and Social Work defines the outcomes) 11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break 11:15 - 12:00 Defining the purpose, objectives and outcomes of the program for Social Policy and Social Work, BA; work in groups 12:00 - 13:00 Reporting the results of group work and discussion 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break Session: Mapping the curriculum: how the whole program outcomes are achieved through individual courses 14:00 – 15:00 Working in three mixed groups (UNI, UNS, UBG, EU) 15:00 - 15:45 Reporting on mapping curriculum and discussion 15:45 - 16:00 Coffee break Session: Outcomes of individual courses that comprise the core of the program 16:00 - 16:45 Defining the outcome of the courses that form the core of the program in mixed groups 16:45 - 17:15 Reporting on the outcomes of the courses and discussion 20:30 Dinner (Ni š lijska Mehana - tennis courts)

21 DAY III (10.10.2014.) 09:00 - 14:30 University of Ni š (Hall No. 8) Moderators: Jasmina Petrović and Marina Matejević Session: Syllabi analysis 09:30 - 11:30 Group work on syllabi (including: the outcomes, literature, teaching methods, assessment, and alignment of all elements for each syllabus) 11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break Session: Academic titles for given qualifications and nomenclature of occupations 11:30 - 12:00 Discussion - The current situation, existing limitations and opportunities 12:00 - 12:30 Working in small groups - Proposals for the nomenclature and titles and steps for their implementation 12:30 - 13:00 Report and discussion of titles and nomenclature of occupations 13:00 - 13:30 The necessary conditions for ensuring the mobility of students between programs and jobs completed BA and MA students (Discussion) 13:30 - 14:15 Open questions and unfinished discussions from previous days / sessions 14:15 - 14:30 Evaluation of the workshop, an agreement on the future activities and closing the workshop

22 Da li smo kroz istrazivanje dobili informacije koje su nam potrebne za dalji rad Did we throughout the research receive the necessary information for further work Ako jesmo dobili, koje posebno izdvajate If we did which would you like to single out Ako smatrate da nismo dobili, navedite sta nedostaje If not what do you think is missing Da li smo dobili nesto neocekivano Did we find something unexpected Ako jesmo navedite svoje zapazanje If we did, what are your observations Da li nam je za dalji rad potrebno jos nesto sto istrazivanje nije pokazalo Are we missing something in order to continue our work that the research did not reveal? Navedite sta? Please, point it out. Koja pitanja otvaraju ovi nalazi Which questions arise from these findings

23 Package Task & timeline Outcome & timelineIndicator D1.1. Conducting of Baseline study on the needs of social service delivery is covering the needed skills and competences in the workforce of social workers and social policy makers. Feb. 1st – Oct. 1st (26 weeks) First draft of report – 1.July 2014. Analysing secondary data &triangulation – July – Sept. First draft of report – 1.July 2014. Final report 1.10. 2014. Publication of baseline study D1.2. Researching existent curricula for professionals working in the field of social work and social policy Feb. 1st – Apr. 15th (10 weeks) Analysing and compering existent curricula at the Universities of Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis and identifying possible gaps and shortages and assessing the needs for additional topics. Final report 1.07. 2014. Publication of baseline study D1.3. Researching & outlining qualification standards March. 1st – Nov. 1st (24 weeks) 1) surveying the national standards (licensing in social welfare sector) 2) surveying work description for professionals; 3) analyzing EU qualification standards; 4) analyzing IFSW policies and global standards for education and training. First draft 1.July 2014. Final report 1.10. 2014. Prepared description of qualification standards, competencies, educational profiles and jobs classification in the field: 1)Generic social work practice 2)SW in Child protection 3)SW in Adult and Elderly protection 4)SW in Mental Health 5)SW working with poor and marginalized 6)Social Policy and Social Welfare 7)Social Pedagogy Publication of baseline study – Proposal of National Qualification standards in the field of social work, social policy and social pedagogy D1. 4. Researching mobility pathsMay 1st – Nov. 1st (16 weeks) Researching mobility paths surveying entrance criteria at the levels of undergraduate, master and PhD studies Final report 1.10. 2014. Report: Mobility paths for students between different study programmes.

24 Work Package 1: activity plan D1.5. Agreement among Serbian partners about competences and learning outcomes Aug. 1 st – Nov. 30 (16 weeks) Agreement among Serbian partners about competences and learning outcomes for students in the field of social policy making and social service delivery Workshop Nov. 14th- 15 th 2014 (UBG mobility and agreement….) Competence and learning outcomes achieved for students in study programme in Social Policy, Social work and Social inclusion.

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