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Timeline political reforms of france. 1848 the Second Republic February 1848 Revolution of 1848. Louis Philippe overthrown A republic is declared with.

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Presentation on theme: "Timeline political reforms of france. 1848 the Second Republic February 1848 Revolution of 1848. Louis Philippe overthrown A republic is declared with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timeline political reforms of france

2 1848 the Second Republic February 1848 Revolution of 1848. Louis Philippe overthrown A republic is declared with a Provisional Government 1870 France defeated in Franco-Prussian War; revolution in Paris. Republic declared. 1871 conservatives do well in elections; radicals in Paris disappointed. Revolution in Paris by the Commune; violently suppressed by the government

3 New laws were passed wages, hours, and safety conditions for works Laws was passed separated church and state Women's suffrage movement

4 Ireland Battles for Independence! During the 1100’s Britain began conquering. Then the English along with Scottish settlers, taking over most of Irelands best farmlands in the 1800’s. Ireland demanded for Home Rule or self government since the 1880’s and was granted by the English in 1912. This was extremely important for Ireland because they wanted someone to rule over them, that got an idea of what they were going through. Link: sh-war-of-independence/ sh-war-of-independence/

5 Political Reform in Britain

6 Parliament passed in Great Reform Act -1832 Expansion of suffrage for men with property -1832 Women and children prohibited to wok in in mines-1842 Chartists prepare a third petition-1848 Expansion of suffrage for working class men-1867 New law limits women and children to a 10 hour work day- 1847 Death penalty reserved for murder, piracy, treason, and arson-1850 Majority of parliament swings between Gladstone and Disraeli- 1868

7 Swinging between Gladstone and Disraeli ends-1880 Union membership starts to soar-1890 Liberal government passed measures to restrict power of Lords-1911 Parliament grants suffrage for women 30 and over-1918

8 Civil war & Civil rights amendments The original bill of right consisted of ten amendments. As time went on more rights were then added including the 13 th,14 th, and 15 th amendments. These amendments gave blacks the right to be free, protection for blacks under the law, and voting rights for the black populous. By: Alisson De Oliveira http://library.thinkquest. org/J0112391/civil_war_ amendments.htm

9 Scandals in France 1870-1910 French president Louis Begley nephew was selling nominations for Legion of Honor Frances highest award president resigned. General Boulanger rallied royalists and ultranationalists and was accused of treason he fled to Britain.

10 Chapter 11 Essential Question “How did important advances in democratic rights change France, USA, and Britain for the better.” s/aflynn/ s/aflynn/

11 The Great Hunger A airborne fungus killed potatoes in 1845. This was caused by an airborne fungus or phytophthora infestans. This disease caused thousands of people to get evicted from their homes. About one million people died from this famine and four million emigrated to other places. They still shipped out wheat and oats because they were not affected by the disease. All of the crops that they grew were exported to other countries. http://www.histor istory/famine/

12 Working conditions in Great Britain ; Dark Dusty Dangerous There was child labor, starting even from the ages 5 or 6. They worked long hours They worked in coal mines Worked in cotton mills too Sometimes got squished to death in Process of cleaning machine out.

13 Suffrage improves in Great Britain; Sex discrimination act became law in 1975 Representation of the People Act the_peopl.htm

14 Zionism and the Jewish State Zionism: the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish domination in the Land of Israel. Anti-Semites gained a violent hatred of Jews. The first Zionist Congress took place in Basle, Switzerland with Theodore Herzl as chairperson who was motivated by the Dreyfus affair.

15  In the 1890’s, the Populist group made the law of the eight-hour workday.  In 1883, the Civil Service Act was passed, which helped certified people get government jobs, and not just random people  In 1897, the first Secret Ballot Act was passed. This allowed people to vote in privacy, not being watched by everyone else.  In 1913, the 16 th Amendment was passed. This Amendment allowed the government to put an income tax (that is fair) on things.

16 Reforms for Woman and Children 1847 law limited 10 hour work day in Britain named Fielder's Factory Act 1900’s France set up free public elementary schools 1896 Married Woman were given the right to their earnings in France. 1848 Woman's first rights convention in America 1918 Woman over 30 allowed to vote in Britain

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