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Unit 4 Day 12 (The Progressive Movement) Quote: “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” - Theodore Roosevelt Focus Question(s):

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Day 12 (The Progressive Movement) Quote: “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” - Theodore Roosevelt Focus Question(s):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Day 12 (The Progressive Movement) Quote: “It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.” - Theodore Roosevelt Focus Question(s): In what ways have the ideas of the Progressive Movement endured in present society? Specified Content: The Progressive Movement 1901–20 (Theme 1 KQ2) The aims of the Progressive movement, the influence of “muckrakers” (e.g., Upton Sinclair, Frank Norris), Progressivism at a local level: Robert M. La Follette and the “Wisconsin Idea,” the breaking of vested interests (e.g., through the initiative, the referendum, the recall), social welfare reforms (Theme 3 KQ3) State Standards: Strand 1 Concept 7 PO 1, 2, 3

2 The Progressive Movement Towards the end of the 1800’s many people realized that there were many issues with society that needed changed. These “progressive” reformers will work to improve the lives of working class people.

3 Journalists known as “muckrakers” will document the issues facing society in the hopes of bringing about change. They will use newspapers, books and photographs to get their message to large audiences.

4 The Progressive movement will transform from a social movement into a political movement with the realization that these changes will need to come from laws. One of the leading Progressive leaders will be Governor Robert La Follette of Wisconsin.

5 The initiative, referendum and recall process where voters in a state take an active role in creating and approving state laws and have a process of removing politicians is a result of the Progressive Movement.

6 Progressive reformers will be successful in getting child labor laws passed as well as tenement (housing) reform, anti-monopoly laws and business regulation.

7 Activity Write down the following questions on a separate sheet of paper: 1.Who drew this, when did they draw it and where was it published? 2.By looking at the picture, what do you think Standard Oil was? 3.What is going on with the octopus’s arms? 4.What is the author trying to tell us?

8 Joseph Keppler, Next!, Puck Magazine, Sept. 7 th 1904

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