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A JUST RIGHT BOOK North Aiken Elementary Media Center.

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1 A JUST RIGHT BOOK North Aiken Elementary Media Center

2 “A Just Right Book” can help you choose a book that is right for you. “A Just Right Book” can help you choose a book that is right for you. Author Author Jacket Jacket Usefulness Usefulness Spine Spine Title Title Readability Readability Illustrations Illustrations General appearance General appearance Hook Hook Topic Topic Blurb Blurb Opinion Opinion Old Friend Old Friend Kind Kind Remember to check these things about a book to help you decide if the book is just right for you!

3 uthor  The author is the person who writes the book.  One strategy for selecting “a just right book” is looking for a certain author. If you enjoy books by a particular author, go to the section of the library where another book by that author can be found.  Question to ask: Do I like a certain author’s books?

4 acket This is another word for a paper cover on a book. This is another word for a paper cover on a book. The jacket or cover of a book can tell you a lot about the book. It usually shows you something about the main character and the setting of the story. If you don’t like the cover, you will probably skip over it and look at another book. The jacket or cover of a book can tell you a lot about the book. It usually shows you something about the main character and the setting of the story. If you don’t like the cover, you will probably skip over it and look at another book. Question to ask: Does the book jacket attract me? Question to ask: Does the book jacket attract me?

5 seful Another word for helpful Another word for helpful Perhaps you want a book to help you learn how to do something. You might want a book to help you draw, cook or play a sport. Think of your interests and look in the nonfiction section. You will find many book s that can be useful to you. Perhaps you want a book to help you learn how to do something. You might want a book to help you draw, cook or play a sport. Think of your interests and look in the nonfiction section. You will find many book s that can be useful to you. Question to ask: Is there a book that will be useful to me? Question to ask: Is there a book that will be useful to me?

6 pine This is the part of the book you see when the book is on the shelf. This is the part of the book you see when the book is on the shelf. Look on the shelves and what do you see? Book spines! Does one of the spines catch your eye? In a library the spines are the first part of the book that you look at. Therefore, a book with a colorful spine may attract your attention. Look on the shelves and what do you see? Book spines! Does one of the spines catch your eye? In a library the spines are the first part of the book that you look at. Therefore, a book with a colorful spine may attract your attention. Question to ask: Do any of the spines catch my attention? Question to ask: Do any of the spines catch my attention?

7 itle The title is the name of the book. It is written on the spine and the front cover. The title is the name of the book. It is written on the spine and the front cover. Sometimes the title gives you a clue about the characters, setting and kind of book it is. The title may make you want to read more, because you want to see if the book is really as it appears to be. Sometimes the title gives you a clue about the characters, setting and kind of book it is. The title may make you want to read more, because you want to see if the book is really as it appears to be. Question to ask: Does the title of the book make me curious about the story? Question to ask: Does the title of the book make me curious about the story?

8 eadability Read, plus the word “ability” is Readability. Read, plus the word “ability” is Readability. Can you read and understand the words in the book? Use the five-finger rule. How does the print look? Are there too many words on a page or not enough? Sometimes if the print is too small it is hard on a reader’s eyes. Can you read and understand the words in the book? Use the five-finger rule. How does the print look? Are there too many words on a page or not enough? Sometimes if the print is too small it is hard on a reader’s eyes. Question to ask: Can I read and understand the words in this book? Question to ask: Can I read and understand the words in this book?

9 llustrations This is another word for the pictures in the book. This is another word for the pictures in the book. Do you like the illustrations? Are there black and white drawings, photos, collages or paintings? Does the book have comic book style illustrations? Sometimes the illustrations are the most powerful first impression of a book and you may choose it because of the pictures. Do you like the illustrations? Are there black and white drawings, photos, collages or paintings? Does the book have comic book style illustrations? Sometimes the illustrations are the most powerful first impression of a book and you may choose it because of the pictures. Question to ask: Do I like the illustrations in the book? Question to ask: Do I like the illustrations in the book?

10 eneral Appearance eneral Appearance This is the way the book looks and feels. This is the way the book looks and feels. You may like the general appearance of the book. You may simply like the way the book looks and feels. How big or thick is the book? How little or thin is the book? Some people don’t like thick books because they think they are too hard, but other people like thick books. You may like the general appearance of the book. You may simply like the way the book looks and feels. How big or thick is the book? How little or thin is the book? Some people don’t like thick books because they think they are too hard, but other people like thick books. Question to ask: Do I like the general appearance and size of the book? Question to ask: Do I like the general appearance and size of the book?

11 ook The hook is the part of the story (the first sentence or first paragraph) that the author uses to get your attention. The hook is the part of the story (the first sentence or first paragraph) that the author uses to get your attention. When the first sentence or paragraph of a book grabs your attention, we say it has a good lead or a good hook. Read the first sentence or paragraph of the book. If it makes you curious and you want to read more, then it might be a book that is just right for you. When the first sentence or paragraph of a book grabs your attention, we say it has a good lead or a good hook. Read the first sentence or paragraph of the book. If it makes you curious and you want to read more, then it might be a book that is just right for you. Question to ask: Does the first line or paragraph of the book hook me and make me want to read more? Question to ask: Does the first line or paragraph of the book hook me and make me want to read more?

12 opic The topic of the book is what the book is about. The topic of the book is what the book is about. Another word for subject (what the book is about) is topic. Think of what subjects or topics interest you. Are you interested in animals, real people, cars, sports or outer space? Another word for subject (what the book is about) is topic. Think of what subjects or topics interest you. Are you interested in animals, real people, cars, sports or outer space? Question to ask: What topics or subjects interest me? Question to ask: What topics or subjects interest me?

13 lurb A blurb is a short summary of the book. A blurb is a short summary of the book. Blurbs can usually be found on the inside jacket flap. If the book doesn’t have a jacket, sometimes there is a blurb or summary on the back of the book. Blurbs give information about the plot, main character and some of the adventures in the story. Blurbs can usually be found on the inside jacket flap. If the book doesn’t have a jacket, sometimes there is a blurb or summary on the back of the book. Blurbs give information about the plot, main character and some of the adventures in the story. Question to ask: Does the blurb or summary tell me enough about the book to make me want to read more? Question to ask: Does the blurb or summary tell me enough about the book to make me want to read more?

14 pinion What did others think of the book? What did others think of the book? Sometimes opinions or reviews can be found on the back of the book or on the jacket. If other people like the book, you might enjoy it too. Awards and medals are shown on books. This means that someone else thought highly of the book. Ask the opinions of your friends, your teacher or your librarian. Sometimes opinions or reviews can be found on the back of the book or on the jacket. If other people like the book, you might enjoy it too. Awards and medals are shown on books. This means that someone else thought highly of the book. Ask the opinions of your friends, your teacher or your librarian. Question to ask: Do others have a positive opinion about this book? Question to ask: Do others have a positive opinion about this book?

15 ld Friend Books that you’ve read before and really liked are like old friends. Books that you’ve read before and really liked are like old friends. Think of a book that you like the way you like old friends. Maybe it is a book you read or one that was read to you when you were younger. Maybe it is a series of books that you enjoyed in the past. Familiar books are like good old friends, so you might want to reread a book that you enjoyed years ago. Think of a book that you like the way you like old friends. Maybe it is a book you read or one that was read to you when you were younger. Maybe it is a series of books that you enjoyed in the past. Familiar books are like good old friends, so you might want to reread a book that you enjoyed years ago. Question to ask: Is there a book that is like an old friend? Question to ask: Is there a book that is like an old friend?

16 ind Different kinds of books are called genres. Different kinds of books are called genres. Mysteries, biographies, fairy tales, fantasy, and nonfiction are some of the different kinds of books to consider. Do you like to read scary stories, funny stories, sad stories, books with adventure or informational books? Mysteries, biographies, fairy tales, fantasy, and nonfiction are some of the different kinds of books to consider. Do you like to read scary stories, funny stories, sad stories, books with adventure or informational books? Question to ask: What kinds of books do I enjoy reading? Question to ask: What kinds of books do I enjoy reading?

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