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Jeopardy Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 Investigation Questions Book Questions Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $600 Q $500.

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2 Jeopardy Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary 2 Investigation Questions Book Questions Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $600 Q $500 Q $400 Q $500 Q $600 Q $300 Q $200 Q $700

3 $100 Question from Vocab 1 A single-celled organism in the fungus kingdom.

4 $100 Answer Vocab 1 yeast

5 $200 Question from Vocab 1 An object, material, or organism that shows the presence of certain materials. Yeast is an ___ of sugar in foods.

6 $200 Answer from Vocab 1 indicator

7 $300 Question from Vocab 1 A group of nturients that provide energy. Sugars and starches are examples of these.

8 $300 Answer from Vocab 1 carbohydrates

9 $400 Question from Vocab 1 A disease that affects the body’s ability to use glucose correctly.

10 $400 Answer from Vocab 1 diabetes

11 $500 Question from Vocab 1 A colorless, odorless gas in the atmosphere that is given off by plants and animals.

12 $500 Answer from Vocab 1 Carbon dioxide (CO2)

13 $600 Question from Vocab 1 A type of sugar that is found in sugar cane and sugar beets.

14 $600 Answer from vocab 1 sucrose

15 $500 Question from Vocab 2 A hormone that acts in the liver and other parts of the body to control to amount of glucose in the blood. It acts as a “key” to unlock our cells and let glucose in.

16 $500 Answer from vocab 2 insulin

17 $100 Question Vocab 2 A chemical used as an energy source by most life forms.

18 $100 Answer from Vocab 2 sugar

19 $200 Question from Vocab 2 The process of breaking down food into engergy

20 $200 Answer from Vocab 2 metabolism

21 $300 Question from Vocab 2 A sugar substitute that is often found in diet soft drinks and yogurt.

22 $300 Answer from vocab 2 aspartame

23 $400 Question from Vocab 2 An individual plant, animal, or single- celled life form (in other words, any living thing)

24 $400 Answer from vocab 2 organism

25 $100 Question from Investigation Questions Name 3 variables that did not change between 2 different bags during our sugar test where we tested cereals.

26 $100 Answer from Investigation Questions Possible Answers: amount of water temperature of water amount of food amount of yeast wait time

27 $200 Question from Investigation Questions In the test where we had flour in one bag and sugar in the other, what variable were we testing? (Which one DID change between 2 bags?)

28 $200 Answer from Investigation Questions Type of food

29 $300 Question from Investigation Questions In the test with the flour and sugar, which food reacted with the yeast: flour or sugar?

30 $300 Answer from Investigation Questions Sugar

31 $400 Question from Investigation Questions In the test with the flour in one bag and sugar in the other, how were we able to tell that one food reacted with the yeast, and the other did not?

32 $400 Answer from Investigation Questions The one with the sugar bubbled, or filled with air (CO2), the one with the flour did not.

33 $500 Question from Investigation Questions What material is an indicator of sugar in foods?

34 $500 Answer from Investigation Questions Yeast is an indicator of sugar in foods.

35 $600 Question from Investigation Questions In our investigation, how could we tell which cereals had the most sugar? (Describe the experiment and results)

36 $600 Answer from Investigation Questions We did the sugar test: -put 3 g of cereal in a bag with warm water and yeast -close the bag and put it in a warm water bath -Wait 10 minutes, then take it out and see how much air has formed. -Measure the volume of air (CO2) in a volume tube. -The bag that has the most CO2 has the most sugar.

37 $100 Question from Book Questions What is the type of sugar we use in things like lemonade and cereal called?

38 $100 Answer from Book Questions sucrose

39 $200 Question from Book Questions If a food tastes sweet, but does not contain sugar, it might contain what?

40 $200 Answer from Book Questions An artificial sweetener

41 $300 Question from Book Questions Studies have shown that the artificial sweetener saccharine can cause what disease?

42 $300 Answer from Book Questions cancer

43 $400 Question from Book Questions How many different types of sugars are there?

44 $400 Answer from Book Questions Over 100

45 $500 Question from Book Questions What is the only type of sugar your body can convert into energy?

46 $500 Answer from Book Questions glucose

47 $600 Question from Book Questions Read the food label below. Which words are a type of sugar? Nutrition Facts Ingredients: Flour, sugar, eggs, butter, maltose, dextrose, lactose, vanilla, baking soda, whey.

48 $600 Answer from Book Questions Sugar, maltose, dextrose, lactose

49 $700 Question from Book Questions Name 2 things that can happen if diabetes is left untreated

50 $700 Answer from Book Questions Possible Answers: blindness kidney disease heart disease coma death

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