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Extensive Reading Project  During this project, you will:  learn how to choose books for pleasure reading and read them extensively.  take some time.

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Presentation on theme: "Extensive Reading Project  During this project, you will:  learn how to choose books for pleasure reading and read them extensively.  take some time."— Presentation transcript:


2 Extensive Reading Project  During this project, you will:  learn how to choose books for pleasure reading and read them extensively.  take some time to read inside and outside of class.  have book chats with classmates and the teacher.  write simple book reports.  read faster.  handle new vocabulary in reading.

3 Why Read for Pleasure?  It improves your:  language skills.  vocabulary.  thinking skills.  You can learn new things.  It’s fun!

4 Fiction and Nonfiction All about Walt Disney’s life. A story about magic, fantasy, and fighting to be king.

5 How to Choose a Book  The book must be interesting to you and must not be too difficult.  If it is boring or difficult, you will not enjoy reading and you will not continue to read.  There are several steps to previewing a book.

6 1. Look at the front cover

7 2. Read the back cover “Jonas’ world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear or pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the community. When Jonas turns 12, he is chosen to receive special training from the Giver. The Giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now it is time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.”

8 3. Find the Copyright Date There is always a copyright date on one on the first pages of the book. This tells you when the book was written.

9 4. Read the First Page  Can you understand the content? Does it seem interesting?  Check the level of vocabulary. How many words are new to you?  No new words: the book may be too easy.  1-5 new words: the book is probably the right level.  6 or more new words: the book may be too difficult. PlaneJetAircraft These all refer to the same kind of thing. “Aircraft” means any machine that flies in the air. A “plane” is a type of aircraft. A “jet” is a type of plane.


11 Let’s Choose Books!  I will give you two book tickets. The tickets have numbers on them. The numbers are the levels of the books you can choose.  Example: If I give you these two tickets… You must choose one level 3 book and one level 4 book. You cannot choose any other level at first.  Show your book choices and tickets to the book clerk (me!) 34

12 After Choosing  Preview your two books using the steps we practiced. Decide which level is more comfortable for you.  You must show proof of which level is best for you (the checklist).  If you are not interested in the book you have now, return to the book clerk to exchange it. You may exchange books until you find one you like.

13 Summary of Steps 1. Receive two book tickets. 2. Choose one book for each level ticket. 3. Preview your books. Complete the checklist. 4. Show proof of which level is best for you. Talk to the book clerk! 5. Exchange books until you find one you like. You must always stay in your level. 6. Start reading your book! 3 4

14 Book Chats  Groups of 3-4 people.  Here are some suggestions for talking points:  Where you are in the book (beginning, middle, end)  The level (easy, so-so, difficult)  The setting (where the story happens)  The characters (fiction) or the subject (nonfiction)  What happens (fiction) or what it tells about (nonfiction)  Your opinion about the book  Everyone else in the group listens and ask questions.

15 Example  My book: To Kill A Mockingbird  Setting: Alabama in the 1930’s  Characters:  Scout: main character. 6 year old girl  Jem: Scout’s brother  Atticus: Scout and Jem’s father. A lawyer  Boo Radley: a mysterious man. Scout and Jem want to meet him.  Tom Robinson: a black man accused of a terrible crime. Atticus defends him in court.  What happens & my opinion

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