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ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board A PS-Prep example - Supply Chain ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel Washington DC, October 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board A PS-Prep example - Supply Chain ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel Washington DC, October 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board A PS-Prep example - Supply Chain ANSI Homeland Security Standards Panel Washington DC, October 2009

2 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 2 ANAB’s plans to support this program roll-out are: 1- Support DHS/FEMA presence and presentation at the DRJ conference in San Diego the week of September 14th; -- DONE 2 - Finalize the draft Accreditation Rule (AR) to include the standards; 3 - Release an RFP to training providers for CB-auditor/ANAB-assessor training; 4 - Meet with the COE to confirm the AR, based upon the information in the FRN so we’ll be ready to announce program upon DHS’ announcement confirming the standards; 5 - Obtain Accreditation Council (AC) approval to distribute the draft AR for public comment prior to DHS’ confirmation of the standards; 6 - Obtain AC approval of the AR prior to DHS’ confirmation of the standards; 7 - Develop a CB application prior to DHS’ confirmation of the standards; 8 - Ensure CB application format passes ANAB’s assessor review; 9 - Make an appropriate pre-announcement of the program via a Heads-Up to our CBs; 10 - Get the CB application approved through our doc control system prior to DHS’ confirmation of the standards. 11 - Hold at least one meeting at a centralized location (or two meetings in two parts of the country) with interested CBs to discuss the program, the AR and the application. 12 - Publish articles in a least two periodicals/magazines. 13 - Work on small business option with DHS to ensure it is ready to announce within 6 months of going live with program.

3 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 3 St. Louis MO Headquarters Aqua-Rite, LLC  We Bottle Water  Supply chain demands  Location critical  BC or EM critical?  We Manufacture Ice  Supply chain demands  Storage critical  BC or EM critical?

4 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 4 We are the world’s preeminent supplier of water and ice during normal business operations and emergency responses. Call us and our life-saving Aqua-Rite products will be there.

5 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 5 We have been asked by one of our customers, Tar-Mart, to ensure our supply chain is prepared, in conformance with PS-Prep, to provide an uninterrupted supply of our products to any area where they have stores, in the instance of natural or unnatural disasters which impact human life.

6 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 6 Our demands on supply chain  Critical Suppliers for water bottling business must have accredited PS-Prep certification  Water supply  Bottle supply  Cap supply  Label supply  Incoming and outgoing transportation suppliers

7 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 7 Our demands on supply chain  Critical Suppliers for ice making business must have accredited PS-Prep certification  Water suppliers  Container packaging suppliers  Container closure suppliers  Incoming and outgoing transportation suppliers

8 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 8 What does my purchasing know?  Everyone went to the same school  Material specifications  Price  Delivery  Invoicing terms

9 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 9 What does my purchasing not know?  Preparedness standards  Preparedness principles  Preparedness methodologies  Certification to standards by certification body  Accreditation of certification bodies  What each proposed standard does  ASIS SPC.1-2009  BSI 25999-2:2007  NFPA 1600:2007

10 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 10 What education for purchasing?  Must know what certificate should look like  Must know ‘words’ to put on RFQ  Must know IAF accreditation v. accreditation  Must know accredited certification  Must know the ‘standard’ for our supply chain

11 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 11 What will purchasing do?  Negotiate with supplier  Ask for evidence of accredited certification  Provide listing of approved suppliers  Provide invoices only for approved suppliers  Ensure not purchases made from unapproved suppliers

12 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 12 What do I require of suppliers?  Which PS-Prep Standard do I demand?  ABC is principally for business continuity  DEF is principally for emergency preprdns.  GHI is principally for risk mgmt.  XYZ combines BC and EP

13 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 13 Criteria for critical suppliers  Information for suppliers as to what Aqua-Rite’s objectives are:  We want to supply 500,000 units at any world location within 3 days of initial emergency  We want to continue 500,000 units each day until emergency is abated  Non-interrupted supply of materials  Backup of delivery methods for all locations  Ability for storage of 60-day supply of materials  Continue to meet raw material specifications  Permission to substitute packaging can be negotiated  Anything else?

14 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 14

15 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 15 Your recommendations?  Water supplier  Label supplier  Bottle supplier  Cap supplier  Ice packaging supplier  Ice closure supplier

16 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board 16 Who Ya Gonna Call? 800-606-5394 ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board

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