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Health Inequalities: The new policy context Kay Barton Health Improvement Strategy Scottish Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Inequalities: The new policy context Kay Barton Health Improvement Strategy Scottish Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Inequalities: The new policy context Kay Barton Health Improvement Strategy Scottish Government

2 Healthier Scotland objective: Help people to sustain and improve their health, especially in disadvantaged communities, ensuring better, local and faster access to health care

3 Linked to Government’s other strategic objectives: Wealthier and fairer Smarter Safer and stronger Greener

4 An outcomes based approach With shared priorities across community planning partners

5 Health improvement performance management review: Agree priority outcomes and unique contributions of each sector, to be delivered in partnership Includes HEAT targets

6 Better Health, Better Care (August 2007) shift towards preventative medicine more continuous care in the community targeting of resources and anticipatory care towards those most at risk

7 Ministerial Task Force on Health Inequalities (from October 2007) Based on principles and vision across Government Short and long term outcomes Effective action and delivery Commitment to proper evaluation

8 Health Inequalities: A chance to do something radical in Scotland to reverse the trends.

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