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Ninth Grade Vocabulary Unit 5. Latin Root Legare Legatum “to appoint; to send on a mission; to charge with”

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Presentation on theme: "Ninth Grade Vocabulary Unit 5. Latin Root Legare Legatum “to appoint; to send on a mission; to charge with”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ninth Grade Vocabulary Unit 5

2 Latin Root Legare Legatum “to appoint; to send on a mission; to charge with”

3 Legacy Noun—body of ideas, achievements, and morals legacy Sentence: Mother Theresa leaves behind a legacy of good deeds and hope for mankind. Syn: heritage

4 Allegation Noun—claim of wrongdoing; charge allegations Sentence: The criminal denies all allegations of criminal activity. Syn: accusation

5 Delegate Verb—To divide up, especially responsibilites delegate Sentence: The best of leaders often delegate tasks to others. Syn: designate

6 Latin Root Agere Actum “To do, act”

7 Agenda Noun—plan of action; purpose agenda Sentence: Some people may worry that politicians may have a hidden agenda.

8 Exacting Adjective—demanding perfection; strict exacting Sentence: The exacting conductor sometimes kept the orchestra for hours to practice a single passage. Syn: pickyAnt: lenient

9 Proactive Adjective—seeking to solve a problem before it occurs proactive Sentence: Gwen, who was proactive about getting a job, was hired right after she left college.

10 Latin Root Pellere Pulsum “To push”

11 Repulsion Noun—desire to avoid; disgust repulsion Sentence: After months of eating primarily peanut butter, Izzie began to feel repulsion for it. Syn: horrorAnt: attraction

12 Dispel Verb—to scatter about, break up dispel Sentence: Policemen were sent in to dispel the crowd gathered around the accident. Syn: banish Ant: gather

13 Propel Verb—to cause to move towards; push propelled Sentence: A strong wind propelled the boat across the lake. Syn: push

14 Latin Root Latum “brought, carried”

15 Relative Adjective—dependent upon relative Sentence: The number of people at the beach on any day is relative to the weather.

16 Superlative Adjective—excellent; above all others. superlative Sentence: Holly was awarded a big promotion for her superlative performance at work. Syn: superiorAnt: inferior

17 Dilate Verb—to widen dilated Sentence: The optometrist dilated Sarah’s eyes so that he could look at her retinas.

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