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Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist (edited by B.Wulchak ) © Townsend Press

2 Unit One: Chapter 1 • detriment • optimum • dexterous • ostentatious
• discretion • scrupulous • facetious • sensory • gregarious • vicarious

3 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 detriment – noun • Loni’s purple hair may be a detriment when she goes for a job interview. • Smoking is a detriment to your health. It’s estimated that each cigarette you smoke will shorten your life by one and a half minutes. Detriment means A. an aid. B. a discovery. C. a disadvantage.

4 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 detriment – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 detriment – noun • Loni’s purple hair may be a detriment when she goes for a job interview. • Smoking is a detriment to your health. It’s estimated that each cigarette you smoke will shorten your life by one and a half minutes. Detriment means A. an aid. B. a discovery. C. a disadvantage. Unless the interviewer likes purple hair, Loni’s purple hair could be a disadvantage in a job interview. If each cigarette shortens your life, smoking is a disadvantage to one’s health.

5 detriment Synonyms: loss, harm, disadvantage Antonym: benefit

6 Two dexterous jugglers
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 dexterous – adjective • The juggler was so dexterous that he managed to keep five balls in motion at once. • Although he has arthritis in his hands, Phil is very dexterous. For example, he builds detailed model airplanes. Dexterous means A. skilled. B. educated. C. awkward. Two dexterous jugglers

7 Two dexterous jugglers
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 dexterous – adjective • The juggler was so dexterous that he managed to keep five balls in motion at once. • Although he has arthritis in his hands, Phil is very dexterous. For example, he builds detailed model airplanes. Dexterous means A. skilled. B. educated. C. awkward. A juggler who can keep five balls in motion at once must be skilled. Someone who builds detailed model airplanes would have to be skilled with his hands. Two dexterous jugglers

8 dexterous Syn.: deft, adroit Ant.: clumsy

9 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 discretion – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 discretion – noun • Ali wasn’t using much discretion when he passed a police car at eighty miles an hour. • Small children haven’t yet developed discretion. They ask embarrassing questions like “When will you be dead, Grandpa?” Discretion means A. skill. B. good sense. C. courage.

10 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 discretion – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 discretion – noun • Ali wasn’t using much discretion when he passed a police car at eighty miles an hour. • Small children haven’t yet developed discretion. They ask embarrassing questions like “When will you be dead, Grandpa?” Discretion means A. skill. B. good sense. C. courage. Passing a police car at eighty miles an hour is not using good sense. Asking Grandpa when he will be dead suggests that small children have not yet developed good sense.

11 discretion Syn.: carefulness, prudence, good judgment

12 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 facetious
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 facetious – adjective • Dr. Segura has a facetious sign on his office door: “I’d like to help you out. Which way did you come in?” • My boss always says, “You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps.” I hope she’s just being facetious. Facetious means A. serious. B. dishonest. C. funny.

13 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 facetious – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 facetious – adjective • Dr. Segura has a facetious sign on his office door: “I’d like to help you out. Which way did you come in?” • My boss always says, “You don’t have to be crazy to work here, but it helps.” I hope she’s just being facetious. Facetious means A. serious. B. dishonest. C. funny. Dr. Segura’s sign and the boss’s statement both are playfully funny.

14 facetious Syn.: teasing, tongue in cheek, flippant
Ant.: formal, grave, serious

15 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 gregarious to be with other people even when
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 gregarious – adjective • Melissa is so gregarious that she wants to be with other people even when she’s studying. • My gregarious brother loves parties, but my shy sister prefers to be alone. Gregarious means A. attractive. B. outgoing. C. humorous.

16 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 gregarious – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 gregarious – adjective • Melissa is so gregarious that she wants to be with other people even when she’s studying. • My gregarious brother loves parties, but my shy sister prefers to be alone. Gregarious means A. attractive. B. outgoing. C. humorous. Since Melissa wants to be with other people even when she is studying, she must be outgoing. In the second item, the antonym clue shy tells you that gregarious means “outgoing.”

17 gregarious Syn.: outgoing, sociable, extrovert
Ant.: reserved, shy, introvert

18 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 optimum – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 optimum – adjective • The road was so icy that the optimum driving speed was only about ten miles an hour. • For the weary traveler, optimum hotel accommodations include a quiet room, a comfortable bed, and efficient room service. Optimum means A. ideal. B. hopeful. C. questionable.

19 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 optimum – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 optimum – adjective • The road was so icy that the optimum driving speed was only about ten miles an hour. • For the weary traveler, optimum hotel accommodations include a quiet room, a comfortable bed, and efficient room service. Optimum means A. ideal. B. hopeful. C. questionable. Since the road was very icy, ten miles an hour was the ideal driving speed. A quiet room, a comfortable bed, and efficient room service would be ideal hotel accommodations for a weary traveler.

20 optimum Syn.: best, most favorable Ant.: worst

21 An ostentatious wristwatch
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 ostentatious – adjective • My show-off aunt has some ostentatious jewelry, such as a gold bracelet that’s so heavy she can hardly lift her arm. • The lobby of that hotel is ostentatious, with fancy furniture, thick rugs, and tall flower arrangements. The guest rooms upstairs, however, are extremely plain. Ostentatious means A. humble. B. showy. C. clean. An ostentatious wristwatch

22 An ostentatious wristwatch
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 ostentatious – adjective • My show-off aunt has some ostentatious jewelry, such as a gold bracelet that’s so heavy she can hardly lift her arm. • The lobby of that hotel is ostentatious, with fancy furniture, thick rugs, and tall flower arrangements. The guest rooms upstairs, however, are extremely plain. Ostentatious means A. humble. B. showy. C. clean. A show-off would wear jewelry that is showy. In the second item, the antonym clue extremely plain suggest that ostentatious means “showy.” An ostentatious wristwatch

23 ostentatious Syn.: pretentious, affected, showy Ant.: modest

24 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 scrupulous
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 scrupulous – adjective • The judge was scrupulous about never accepting a bribe or allowing a personal threat to influence her decisions. • The senator promised to run a scrupulous campaign, but her ads were filled with lies about her opponent’s personal life. Scrupulous means A. ethical. B. economical. C. unjust.

25 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 scrupulous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 scrupulous – adjective • The judge was scrupulous about never accepting a bribe or allowing a personal threat to influence his decisions. • The senator promised to run a scrupulous campaign, but her ads were filled with lies about her opponent’s personal life. Scrupulous means A. ethical. B. economical. C. unjust. A judge who never accepts a bribe and isn’t influenced by personal threats must be an ethical judge. In the second item, the senator’s lies about her opponent indicate she did not run an ethical campaign.

26 scrupulous Syn.: conscientious, meticulous, careful
Ant.: unscrupulous, unethical

Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 sensory – adjective • Because our sensory experiences are interrelated, what we taste is greatly influenced by what we smell. • A person in a flotation tank has almost no sensory stimulation. The tank is dark and soundproof, and the person floats in water at body temperature, unable to see or hear and scarcely able to feel anything. Page 9 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. Sensory means A. of the senses. B. social. C. intellectual.

28 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 sensory – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 sensory – adjective • Because our sensory experiences are interrelated, what we taste is greatly influenced by what we smell. • A person in a flotation tank has almost no sensory stimulation. The tank is dark and soundproof, and the person floats in water at body temperature, unable to see or hear and scarcely able to feel anything. Sensory means A. of the senses. B. social. C. intellectual. Page 9 in textbook. The words taste and smell suggest that sensory means “of the senses.” In the second item, since the person is unable to see, hear, or feel anything, he or she has almost no stimulation of the senses.

29 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 vicarious
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 vicarious – adjective • I don’t like to take risks myself, but I love the vicarious thrill of watching death-defying adventures in a movie. • If you can’t afford to travel, watching videos and visiting tourist websites can give you the vicarious experience of traveling in foreign countries. Page 9 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer. Vicarious means A. thorough. B. indirect. C. skillful.

30 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 vicarious – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 vicarious – adjective • I don’t like to take risks myself, but I love the vicarious thrill of watching death-defying adventures in a movie. • If you can’t afford to travel, watching videos and visiting tourist websites can give you the vicarious experience of traveling in foreign countries. Vicarious means A. thorough. B. indirect. C. skillful. Page 9 in textbook. Watching death-defying adventures in a movie is an indirect way to experience a thrill. Watching videos and visiting tourist websites are indirect ways of traveling in foreign countries.

31 vicarious Syn.: imagined Ant.: directly experienced

32 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 1. Any employee who wants to use _________ would simply ignore a piece of spinach on the boss’s front tooth. 2. A weak voice is a serious _________ to a stage actor’s or actress’s career. Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 1. discretion; 2. detriment The next slide explains the answers.

33 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 1. Any employee who wants to use _________ would simply ignore a piece of spinach on the boss’s front tooth. discretion Ignoring spinach on the boss’s front tooth shows good judgment. 2. A weak voice is a serious _________ to a stage actor’s or actress’s career. detriment Page 10 in textbook. Because a stage actor or actress with a weak voice could not be heard, a weak voice would clearly be a disadvantage to the person’s career.

34 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 3. Playing with blocks and puzzles makes children more __________ with their hands. 4. My roommate used to be __________, but since he was mugged, he’s begun to avoid people. Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 3. dexterous; 4. gregarious; 5. scrupulous The next slide explains the answers. 5. Lonnie is so __________ about filling out his tax return that he even reported the $12.50 he was paid for jury duty.

35 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 3. Playing with blocks and puzzles makes children more __________ with their hands. dexterous Playing with blocks and puzzles would make children more skillful in using their hands. 4. My roommate used to be __________, but since he was mugged, he’s begun to avoid people. gregarious Page 10 in textbook. The words avoid people are an antonym clue for gregarious (seeking the company of others). 5. Lonnie is so __________ about filling out his tax return that he even reported the $12.50 he was paid for jury duty. scrupulous Reporting the $12.50 on his tax return show Lonnie is conscientious.

36 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 6. Jasmine wants to practice her vocabulary skills, so she’s not just being __________ when she uses long words. 7. Do you think a spectator sport gives the fans __________ triumphs and defeats, or real ones? Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 6. ostentatious; 7. vicarious The next slide explains the answers.

37 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 6. Jasmine wants to practice her vocabulary skills, so she’s not just being __________ when she uses long words. ostentatious Since Jasmine wants to practice her vocabulary, she is not just intending to impress others by using long words. 7. Do you think a spectator sport gives the fans __________ triumphs and defeats, or real ones? vicarious Page 10 in textbook. The word real contrasts with triumphs and defeats that are not experienced directly.

38 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 8. The __________ order in which to answer test questions is from easiest to most difficult, so that you can write the answers you know before time runs out. 9. Wandering through the bee-filled fields of red and yellow flowers was an amazing __________ experience, one that appealed to the eyes, ears, and nose. Page 10 in textbook. Answers: 8. optimum; 9. sensory; 10. facetious The next slide explains the answers. 10. The performer Oscar Levant had a tendency to cause disasters. He once made the ___________ comment, “In my hands, Jell-O is a deadly weapon.”

39 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. detriment B. dexterous C. discretion D. facetious E. gregarious F. optimum G. ostentatious H. scrupulous I. sensory J. vicarious 8. The __________ order in which to answer test questions is from easiest to most difficult, so that you can write the answers you know before time runs out. optimum Starting with the easiest questions is the best possible way to answer. 9. Wandering through the bee-filled fields of red and yellow flowers was an amazing __________ experience, one that appealed to the eyes, ears, and nose. sensory Page 10 in textbook. Something appealing to eyes, ears, and nose has to do with the senses. 10. The performer Oscar Levant had a tendency to cause disasters. He once made the ___________ comment, “In my hands, Jell-O is a deadly weapon.” facetious The sentence gives an example of a humorous statement.


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