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Atelectasis H. Helmi M. Lubis Dr, Sp.A(K) H. Ridwan M. Daulay Dr, Sp.A(K) Gabriel Panggabean Dr, Sp.A Wisman Dr, Sp.A Rini S. Daulay, Dr, M.KedPed, Sp.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Atelectasis H. Helmi M. Lubis Dr, Sp.A(K) H. Ridwan M. Daulay Dr, Sp.A(K) Gabriel Panggabean Dr, Sp.A Wisman Dr, Sp.A Rini S. Daulay, Dr, M.KedPed, Sp.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atelectasis H. Helmi M. Lubis Dr, Sp.A(K) H. Ridwan M. Daulay Dr, Sp.A(K) Gabriel Panggabean Dr, Sp.A Wisman Dr, Sp.A Rini S. Daulay, Dr, M.KedPed, Sp.A

2 Definitions Incomplete expansion of a lung or portion of a lung, occurring congenitally as a primary or secondary condition, or as an acquired condition Airlessness of a lung that had once been expanded Collapse of a lung

3 Etiology Obstruction of the bronchial lumen Inflammatory process (asthma, LRTI) foreign body Compression of lung tissue Respiratory muscle weakness Reduction in surface tension of the periciliary fluid lining the respiratory tract

4 Clinical manifestations Extent of atelectasis Age Causative illness

5 Respiratory disorders Symptoms of pulmonary infections Restrained expansion Percussion : reduced resonance Auscultation : diminished respiratory sound Large area : displacement of the heart and the mediastinum Smaller area : difficult  chest radiography Clinical manifestations

6 Diagnosis Based on an understanding of the etiology, pathophysiology, and anatomy First imaging modality : chest radiography Reduced of the volume of lung tissue Elevation of the diaphragm Shift of the mediastinum Narrowing of the intercostal space Fluoroscopy Computed Tomography (CT) scan Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Ultrasonography Bronchoscopy

7 Management Depends on the underlying illness Primary atelectasis (congenital)  surgical Inhalation therapy Combined with chest physiotherapy, positioning, chest vibration, and suctioning Antibiotic Bronchoscopy


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