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End of Roman Empire by the German tribe Visigoths Middle Ages also called the “Dark Ages” very superstitious 476AD.

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Presentation on theme: "End of Roman Empire by the German tribe Visigoths Middle Ages also called the “Dark Ages” very superstitious 476AD."— Presentation transcript:

1 End of Roman Empire by the German tribe Visigoths Middle Ages also called the “Dark Ages” very superstitious 476AD

2 -Benedict-Monk -Order of Benedictines -Europe going to church -Money going to Church -Monasteries become rich & powerful

3 Arabians -Muhammed-Prophet -Kaaba at Mecca-most holy mosque -Islam-His teachings -Koran-His visions/revelations -Pray 5x a day facing Mecca -7 pillars -Hadj-Journey We get our Arabic numbers

4 Franks (Germany & part of France) -Charlemagne 800AD -Protected the Pope and Pope crowns him new Holy Roman Emperor -1 st German Emperor

5 Popes vs Emperors Hildebrand changes name to Gregory VII German King Henry IV Pope is Lord of Christendom not King Investiture Controversy William the Conqueror from Normandy, France crosses to England in 1066 and at Battle of Hastings defeats English King. Last time ever foreigners on land

6 Serfs and Knights 1096 Crusades

7 Europe-cont. Barbarossa (red beard) -Grandson-Frederick II “AntiChrist”? -ruled by Pope Innocent III -King John and Magna Carta

8 Mongols -Genghis Khan

9 1291-Hapsburg Dynasty-Germany -Guilds and towns important -Jews -100yrs war

10 1420-Rebirth=Renaissance-Italy -DaVinci -Medici Family 1450-Gutenberg-Printing Press-Bible 1st

11 1600’s Witchcraft 1632-Galileo- Italian 1543-Copernicus

12 China- Invents compass, gunpowder and gun Columbus- 1492

13 Conquistadors Cortez-Aztecs in Mexico -Gold Pizzaro-Incas in Peru-Silver!!! Mayans=Yucatan Peninsula

14 Martin Luther -German Monk -No indulgences -Excommunicated -Reformation -Breaks off-Lutheran Church -Translates Bible into German -Jesuits-Followers of Jesus --Britain-King Henry VIII- Church of England- Protestant

15 Mary I- “Bloody Mary” Murders protestants-dies Queen Elizabeth I- Protestant Sir Francis Drake-Pirate taking from Spain’s treasure New World Imprisons Mary Stuart- Catholic Queen of Scotland-executes Spanish Armada (130 ships)-Phillip II World now begins to speak English

16 England Charles I- Grandson of Mary Stuart Magna Carta Oliver Cromwell

17 France-Louis XIV-Build Versailles Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette Enlightenment-Better lives for peasants French Revolution-Reign of Terror Jacobins-Most violent ones in the uprising Robespierre tries and sentences the King and he also is executed Guillotine for King, wife, and nobles

18 150 years Mongols have ruled China from Ganghis Khan -Red Turbins-new weapon-gun -Takes over Mongols and leader calls his new rule “Ming” for brightness -This dynasty lasts 300 years and finish The Great Wall of China

19 Russia 1580-Ivan the Terrible -1689-Peter The Great Builds St. Petersburg from marshes

20 Napoleon-France -Born poor Corsica -French Revolution loses and gains power -General seizes power of Paris-takes over Europe -Tries to conquer Russia in Winter- returns -Loss at Battle of Waterloo-British take prisoner

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