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S-2S meeting Toshiyuki Gogami 15 Oct 2014. Contents TOF detector Kyoto University.

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Presentation on theme: "S-2S meeting Toshiyuki Gogami 15 Oct 2014. Contents TOF detector Kyoto University."— Presentation transcript:

1 S-2S meeting Toshiyuki Gogami 15 Oct 2014

2 Contents TOF detector test @ Kyoto University

3 TOF detector performance test Want to see

4 PMT’s gain scan Hamamatsu H1940-50 Applied voltage [V] Pulse height [mv] 2400 2900 2400 Pulse height: 150 mV CH1: 2850 [V] CH2: 2690 [V] CH3: 2810 [V] CH4: 2640 [V]

5 PMT + scintillator with light guide

6 Lighttight check @1F exp. room Jig HV

7 DAQ preparation @ 1F experimental room Toyo CC7700 DAQ PC Flat cable Failed…. So, moved to 3F !! 使えるモジュールの発掘が大変 問題の切り分けに時間がかかる

8 Test bench in 3F exp. room CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 NIM CAMAC Delay Attenuator

9 DAQ and ANALYSIS machines @ 3F experimental room ANALYSIS sts@ CC/NET (DAQ) tof@ PC CAMAC

10 Experimental conditions Trigger: TOF1 & TOF2 & TOF3 & TOF4 Discriminator threshold: 400 mV Rate: 8 Hz Attenuations for signals of ADC: 16 db / 24 db ADC gate: 100 ns

11 Directory structure of DAQ machine (Toyo CC/NET)  /home/tof/  camac/  README_TOFTEST (Instruction)  tof_test.c (main source code)   data/  *.dat (output data)  tof_test.log (Log file)

12 How to ①./ (Number of events) (Output data file) ②./data/*.dat ADC1 ADC2 ADC3 ADC4 TDC1 TDC2 TDC3 TDC4 ③tof_test.log Log note.

13 ADC and TDC histograms Data of ~ 36 hours ADC vs. TDC ADC [ch] Time [ns] CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4

14 TOF resolution w/o correction ( TOF = T 1 – T 2 )

15 TOF vs. ADC ADC [ch] TOF [ns]

16 TOF vs. ADC ADC [ch] TOF [ns] Corrections need to be done.

17 Summary

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