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This term our topic is: Toys & Games This term our topic is: Toys & Games  Play simple turn-taking games with your child such as : Snap, Pairs, I- Spy,

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Presentation on theme: "This term our topic is: Toys & Games This term our topic is: Toys & Games  Play simple turn-taking games with your child such as : Snap, Pairs, I- Spy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 This term our topic is: Toys & Games This term our topic is: Toys & Games  Play simple turn-taking games with your child such as : Snap, Pairs, I- Spy, Snakes & Ladders and Noughts & Crosses.  Share stories at home every night. Encourage your child to talk about the story and to retell the story during play.  Encourage your child to talk about the world around them and explain their ideas and thinking.  Praise your child for doing the right thing.  We will be using our outside area as much as possible so please can you ensure your child wears sensible footwear and always brings a coat to school or if it is hot to bring a hat.  Garden School is on Tuesdays.  Please come and view your child’s work in the red folders. Remember to look at the folder with your child and to fill in a “My family is proud of me because…” sticker.  You are welcome to ‘ stay and play’ between 9.00 & 9.15.  Homework will be given on a Friday (reception) and on a Wednesday (Nursery) and this should be brought back before the following Friday (R) or Wednesday (N).  Please read with your child regularly remembering to sign their reading record card.  Share your child’s excellent work from home with school. Please fill in a ‘Wow’ card or ‘Work from Home’ Sticker. Physical Development We will: Join in with team games. Increase our skill and co- ordination when using bats, bikes and balls. Use scissors, hole punches and other tools to make models and story props. Help the story characters lead a healthy life. Practice using our pencil to write our letters. Communication and Language We will: Talk to and listen to our friends when working together and retelling/ creating our own stories. Use our words in our play. Listen to and follow instructions carefully. Use our words to explain our ideas and thinking. Expressive Arts and Design We will: Use a range of art techniques to create story settings, props and 3D models. Use musical instruments, dance and gestures to represent toys and retell traditional stories. Explore colour & mark making. Personal, Social, Emotional Development We will: Help each other to solve problems by offering ideas and solutions. Play games with others demonstrating friendly behavior. Use our words to explain our thoughts and feelings. Understanding the World We will: Use the computer to make books, paint toys, find out information and use computer programs. Use the camera to take photos and film each other in role. Find out about stories from around the world. Find out about minibeasts, plants and the world around us. Literacy We will: Enjoy new stories. Read and retell stories using our voices and props. Read books to find out information. Use our sounds to begin to read words. Use our sounds and mark making to write letters, make maps, label pictures and make books. Toys, games, share, my turn, your turn, play, rules, instructions, move, spin, turn, jump, march, roll, pull, push, fast, slow, float, sink, fly, wheels, switch, lever, on, off, old, new, doll, robot, boat, car, train, plane, rocket, superhero, problem solving, story, good, bad, fairy, dragon, castle, robot, pretend, role play, good friend, who, where, why, when, how, what, more, less, heavy, light, tall, short, time, hour, clock, letters, words, book, feelings, map, over, under, through, around, between, computer, mouse, beebot, numbers, dice, spinner.  Garden School is on Tuesdays. Children will need to wear sensible shoes and clothing. E.G. flat shoes, a coat or rain jacket, a sun hat, trousers or skirt with tights or long socks.  This term we will be investigating ‘Minibeasts’. We will find out about where they live, what they look like & what they do.  We will also use the garden to play games as well as to care for and investigate the world around us. Mathematical Development We will: Use maths skills to solve the toys’ problems. Use + and – to solve problems. Have an understanding of time, money, weight capacity and size. Use shape and positional language. Use marks to record our answers. Use numbers in play.

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