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Fairtrade – today!. Objective To make fairtrade muffins Success criteria 5c To create a batch of muffins using the combining method 5c To use fairtrade.

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Presentation on theme: "Fairtrade – today!. Objective To make fairtrade muffins Success criteria 5c To create a batch of muffins using the combining method 5c To use fairtrade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fairtrade – today!

2 Objective To make fairtrade muffins Success criteria 5c To create a batch of muffins using the combining method 5c To use fairtrade fruit 5b - To use alternative ingredients for special dietary needs 5b - To work with independence and in a healthy and safe way. 5b – to produce a batch of equal sized muffins that are tasty and golden 5a – to modify the recipe to your own recipe. Tasks 1.To weigh your ingredients 2.To mix and chop your ingredients 3.To divide the batter into twelve equal sized muffin cases 4. To bake the muffins for 25 minutes in the oven 5. To wash and clean up your space 1.To watch the PowerPoint all about fairtrade produce 2.To enter into a discussion about the moral implications of fairtrade purchasing

3 Global Fairtrade sales increase by 22% Despite the global recession, worldwide sales of Fairtrade products grew by an impressive 22% in 2008 as consumers spent an estimated 2.9 billion Euros on Fairtrade products globally. The main product areas of Fairtrade growth were in the following product categories.  Global sales have doubled for Fairtrade tea (112%) and for Fairtrade cotton products (94%).  Global sales have doubled for Fairtrade tea (112%) and for Fairtrade cotton products (94%).  As the products with the highest sales volumes, Fairtrade coffee sales increased 14% to 66,000 metric tonnes (MT) and the market for Fairtrade bananas grew by 28% to 300,000 MT.

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