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Fairtrade What does it mean to developing countries?

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2 Fairtrade What does it mean to developing countries?

3 Lesson starter  We have all heard of fair trade and seen the Fairtrade logo, but can we answer the question below?  In what ways is trade unfair?  Discuss with the people next to you.  Write down your ideas.

4 Fair trade  Fair trade products are becoming more and more popular every day.  What fair trade products can you think of?

5 What Fair Trade products can you think of?

6 Fair trade with coffee.  In the last lesson we looked at a case study of coffee.  What examples can you remember of fair trade or unfair trade?

7 Price of a Banana  Where do you think ever £1 you spend on Bananas goes? How much do the pickers get? How much do the Plantation owners get? How much do the super markets get?

8  e/clips/ecuadors-links-with- transnational-companies/503.html e/clips/ecuadors-links-with- transnational-companies/503.html

9 Price of a Banana  Where do you think ever £1 you spend on Bananas goes? How much do the pickers get? How much do the Plantation owners get? How much do the super markets get? 40p to supermarket 25p to the exporter 23p to taxes 1p to picker 3p to owner 8p to other in country costs

10 Task: Our fair trade rules  Working with your shoulder partner you are to come up with a set of rules that make trade fair.  Try and think of 10 things trade would have to be to make it “fair” for everyone involved. Can anyone think of an example to get us started?

11 Task: Our fair trade rules

12 What fair trade means 1.Fair wages for workers 2.Fair Trade Terms (they get the correct amount for their product) 3.Decent Working Conditions 4.Guaranteed prices and Long term Contracts


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