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…Wherebreakfast, and learninglunch, take a summer break! don’t.

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Presentation on theme: "…Wherebreakfast, and learninglunch, take a summer break! don’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 …Wherebreakfast, and learninglunch, take a summer break! don’t

2 What is Energy Express? Energy Express is an 8-week AmeriCorps summer reading program promoting the school success of West Virginia children living in rural and low-income communities. The program works to prevent the “summer slide”.

3 Summer Slide

4 Research has shown that during the summer, many children:  Suffer nutritionally  Fall behind academically  Lack a safe and secure environment

5 What does research say about children and reading? –Children need to spend time practicing reading to become fluent readers –Many children do not have an opportunity at home or school to practice reading –Regardless of income level, children who are read to daily and who read for pleasure daily, achieve at the highest rates.

6 Energy Express Mission Energy Express promotes the school success of children living in rural and low-income communities by providing summer learning experiences and nutritious meals. This mission is met by the involvement of: College students Families Parents Community members Local, state, and federal partners

7 The Energy Express Model  Place-based curriculum  Print-rich  Family Style Meals  Service  Small Groups  Parent and Community Involvement Collaboration

8 Weekly Themes Weekly Themes Myself Family Friends Homeplace Community Making My World a Better Place Print-rich

9 Nutritious Family Style Meals Nutritious Family Style Meals Teach responsibility Develop cooperation Encourage conversation

10 8:00-8:30 * Site team arrives 8:30-9:00 * Children arrive * Family-style breakfast 9:00-11:30 * Print-rich activitiesPrint-rich activities 11:30-12:00 * Family-style lunch * Children depart 12:00-2:00 * Site team meetings, planning, reflection, and connecting with families and community Two additional weeks for training, planning, and connecting with families and community A Day at Energy Express (6-week children’s program)

11 Print-rich Environment Reading Writing Art Drama Non-competitive play Take-home books

12 Print-rich Environment Before children arrive

13 Print-rich Environment After children arrive

14 One-on-one Read aloud Reading

15 Writing …word walls, graphic organizers, journals…

16 Art

17 Drama

18 Noncompetitive Play

19 Children Entering First Through Sixth Grade Children Entering First Through Sixth Grade Small groups (typically 6-8) Vertical age groupings Non-competitive environment

20 Parent and Community Involvement Parent and Community Involvement Family visits Weekly connections with families Volunteer opportunities

21 Join the Team Many available positions throughout West Virginia!

22 AmeriCorps Member Eligibility Mentor 18 or older by June 11, 2015 U.S. citizen Full-time undergraduate, or College-bound graduating high school senior Or May 2015 college graduate or December 2014 college graduate without full-time employment Community Coordinator 18 or older by June 11, 2015 U.S. citizen High school diploma or equivalent

23 Who makes up an Energy Express site?  40-64 Elementary age childrenElementary age children  1 Site CoordinatorSite Coordinator  1or 2 Community Coordinators  5-8 MentorsMentors  Family and community members as volunteers Family and community members as volunteers  Local Partners

24 Community Coordinators Recruit, train, and supervise volunteers who will perform:  read aloud sessions  one-on-one reading  taking dictation  other site activities

25  Involve parents in their children’s learning. Community Coordinators  Build relationships with families and members of the community.  Connect parents and community members to the site

26 Mentors Develop, implement and evaluate reading related print-rich activities for children grades 1-6. Build strong relationships with children, parents and the community

27 Mentors  Promote the nutritional well-being of children.  Engages in outreach to parents through family visits.

28 A living allowance of $1,850 A National Service education award of $1,195 (in the form of a voucher) Ample training before and during the program Valuable service experience Energy Express Mentors & Community Coordinators receive:

29 1.Attending statewide training 2.Completing a minimum of 300 hours of service 3.Being a positive role model for Energy Express children and volunteers 4.Engaging in outreach to children’s families through family visits, follow-up communications, and the site open house. Energy Express Mentors and Community Coordinators “Get Things Done” by:

30 2014 Statistics  74 sites located in 37 West Virginia counties  2,435 Children attended 15 or more days  119,228 meals served  20,886 take-home books distributed  471 AmeriCorps members engaged in service  Goal of 70% of children who maintain or increase their broad reading achievement, past statistics show an average of 2 - 4 months increase  3,024 family & community members as volunteers

31 … if there is only one thing they remember, I want it to be that for just a few weeks one summer they were in a place that made them feel safe, smart, and loved. For when a child realizes how truly wonderful they are… there can never be any greater success.”

32 Selection Process starts ………………….. March 1 st, 2015 Program Dates: June 11 th –July 31 st, 2015 On-Site Training with Site Team………….June 11 th -12 th Statewide Training: West Virginia University…………………………June 15 th -17 th First Day with Children…………………………… June 22 nd Site Cleanup…………………………………………………July 31 st Important Dates

33 “…I saw Ryan’s mom the other day and she told me that he is doing do well in school after this summer! She said he’s at the top of his class. His teacher asked what the difference was, and she is sure it was us (Energy Express). The teacher is so impressed. She had never heard of the program, but now she is going to start recommending it to parents! Ryan’s mom also said that he actually wants to read, and now he reads an entire story to her every night before bed!” - 2014 Mentor

34 Energy Express West Virginia University Extension Service P.O. Box 6602 Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6602 Energy Express West Virginia University Extension Service P.O. Box 6602 Morgantown, West Virginia 26506-6602 Telephone:(304) 293-3855 Fax:(304) 293-3866 Website: Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, and marital or family status. Individuals of all abilities are encouraged to apply

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