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Sponsored by: The Panther Pride Team ~ In celebration of National Poetry Month in April ~ Hand all poetry to Mr. Carey, Mrs. Rupp or your ELA teacher ~

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Presentation on theme: "Sponsored by: The Panther Pride Team ~ In celebration of National Poetry Month in April ~ Hand all poetry to Mr. Carey, Mrs. Rupp or your ELA teacher ~"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sponsored by: The Panther Pride Team ~ In celebration of National Poetry Month in April ~ Hand all poetry to Mr. Carey, Mrs. Rupp or your ELA teacher ~ April 4 th through April 29 th ~ ---Poetry Guidelines--- 7 th 8 th graders from NWJH are encouraged to participate. 4 winner’s will be picked from each grade level. Put your grade level on your poem please !!!! Judging will be based on originality and creativity. Plagiarism will end in disqualification for that student. The ELA vertical team will judge the poems based a 16 point rubric. (see second page). Submissions are to typed and artwork is encouraged with your poem (creativity). We are asking that Staff submit poetry as well. Prizes include: 4 winner per grade level (6 poetry winners, 2 Art winners + 1 pride stub winner) = 9 students A ride to school in a stretch limousine that will pick you up at your house on May 6th. Winners will be announced by April 29 th, over morning announcements. All school appropriate poems will be posted around the school and published in our NWJH Poetry Book! You will all receive a copy… All work needs to be a NEAT final draft, no mistakes, cross outs, etc… Good luck

2 16 Point Grading Rubric CriteriaExplanationScore 1-4 Ideas The poem makes the reader think about a subject in a different or more potent way than before. Development Sensory details and figurative language create vivid images that contribute significantly to the meaning of the poem. Sound Quality Clear intentional line breaks Use of rhythm or rhyme Using sound words, assonance, or other sound devices. Language Use Word choice is vivid and exact throughout the poem.



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