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SFT News 4 th April 2016. 2 News from the Enlarged Directorate Research Board News from the RCSMB (Research & Computing Sector Management Board Meeting)

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Presentation on theme: "SFT News 4 th April 2016. 2 News from the Enlarged Directorate Research Board News from the RCSMB (Research & Computing Sector Management Board Meeting)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SFT News 4 th April 2016

2 2 News from the Enlarged Directorate Research Board News from the RCSMB (Research & Computing Sector Management Board Meeting) Benchmark Jobs (Physicists) Miscellaneous

3 3 News from the Enlarged Directorate 153rd ED meeting 29-2-2016 First meeting of the Site Infrastructure Board (SIB), held on 25 February 2016, the Enlarged Directorate approved the following proposals: 1.renovation and chilled water connection of the 3rd and 4th floors of Building 5, partial renovation of the 3rd floor of Building 4, and installation of temporary barracks close to the Training Centre (Building 593) to host the Language Learning activities; 2.installation of temporary barracks on the existing platform near Building 27 as swing- space for the renovations of Buildings 4, 5 and 60 + new Building 510; 3.renovation of Building 60 and construction of a new Building 510; of the project IPP-2015-03 (Extension of radioactive equipment storage building capacity) in the framework of the overall CERN radioactive waste management strategy and programme.

4 4 FLEX Building

5 5 News from the Enlarged Directorate 153rd ED meeting 29-2-2016 High level of security introduced since the Paris terrorist attacks should be maintained at least until the end of May (e.g. check of ID cards at entrances). The Host State authorities had also made a series of additional recommendations to improve protection standards at CERN, relating notably to key inventories, CCTV surveillance, crisis management provisions, contractor screening and the visible wearing of ID cards by everyone on the CERN site. Mandate approved for the coordination of studies for increasing the beam energy in the LHC (ATS-DO/EDMS 1582008, coordinator O. Brüning): 7 TeV - 7.54 TeV (9 T field) - >7.54 TeV with partial replacement of dipoles

6 6 News from the Enlarged Directorate 154th ED meeting 8-3-2016 Presentation of the structure of the International Relations Sector (C. Warakaulle) CERNs geographical enlargement strategy In the future, the focus will be on reinforcing relations with countries that can bring scientific and technological support to CERN’s projects (e.g. Canada). IR-REL IR-ECO

7 7 214 th Research Board 9-3-2016 Reports: Reports from SPSC, LHCC, INTC (Isolde, n-TOF) Report from Recognized Experiments Committee new LIGO, + several extensions Decisions: Confirmation of approval (with comments) as participants in the Neutrino Platform: NP4 DUNE-PT (single phase LAr TPC) NP5 Baby MIND (magnetized iron detector, WAGASCI exp.) Establish Study Group “Non-Collider Physics”, report 2018 led by J. Jaeckel, M. Lamont, C. Vallée SHiP approve Comprehensive Design Study

8 8 RCS Management Board Participation in CHEP (San Francisco, October 10-14), due to high cost decide on ceiling in the research sector: Early registration 750 US$, subsistence 250 CHF x number of nights, no further expenses (taxi, bus, conference banquet,..) Message of concern to be sent to the organisers Please post your abstract here: NB deadline for abstract submission is April 11 th ORCID (Jens Vigens): unique personal author identification system Connected to Inspire IDs (and also ResearcherID) Encourage CERN staff to register! “ORCID has the aim of solving the author/contributor name ambiguity problem in scholarly communications by creating a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers, and an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCID and other current author ID schemes.”

9 9 Benchmark Jobs Names “Research” and “Applied” now agreed in last breakfast meeting.

10 10 Miscellaneous Staff contributing to future projects: Confirm principle guideline “Not more than 50% on non-approved experiment.” EP-AGS group leader: temporary DH acted as group leader, EP Management team (DPO) will be enforced by Youlia Krasteva Nominated Catherine D. as group leader for AGS as of April 1. KT fund selection committee (March 24): 13 proposals, 4 from EP. We can improve the preparations.... Reminder: Transport of dangerous goods CERN has a legal obligation to report the canton of Geneva and the Prefecture de l’Ain on all transports of dangerous material on public roads. For radioactive material and chemicals HSE is using the service of a specialised company to do this reporting. Propose EP retreat in 2016, participants basically as in TC/TL meetings + group leaders, possible dates 28.11., 29.11., 2.12. Next TC/TL meeting Friday! April, 29th.

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