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A poem My mother told me, “In a world of strangers You need acquaintances.” So I made many acquaintances. My father told me, “In a world of acquaintances.

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Presentation on theme: "A poem My mother told me, “In a world of strangers You need acquaintances.” So I made many acquaintances. My father told me, “In a world of acquaintances."— Presentation transcript:

1 A poem My mother told me, “In a world of strangers You need acquaintances.” So I made many acquaintances. My father told me, “In a world of acquaintances You need friends.” So I made many friends. My heart told me, “In a world of friends You need a best friend.”

2 How to be a best friend. friend upset calm down be concerned about go through face to face get along with have trouble with sth …… in doing suffer from loneliness grateful

3 ignore power settle recover pack disagree dislike Self-assessment: association ignorant ignorance overlook powerful strength energy force settlement settler unsettled recovery cover uncover discover pack package luggage agree agreement disagreement like unlike likely unlikely

4 add up set down on purpose at dusk face to face be tired of join in Self-assessment: association add up to… add… to… add to… set out set off set about by chance by accident at dawn at night at noon at sunset shoulder to shoulder side by side … be tired from… be tired with… join take part in participate in attend be present at

5 Why? Everyone needs friends. As the old saying goes, “No man is an island”. Friendship can ______ the pleasure of life and we need it. Friends are always _________about each other. True friends will never ______ your feelings When you have trouble with some problems. A friend might help you ___ ______ the hard times. When you are_____, a friend will calm you down. When misunderstanding happens, true friends may have a ____________ talk and tell the deepest feelings and thoughts. concerned ignore go through face-to-face add to upset

6 The government’s primary _______ nowadays is to lower road accidents. A. worry B. event C. matter D. concern Key point in CEE More and more people are concerned about pollution. There is a growing concern about pollution. There is a growing concern about pollution, an issue ___________ all of us. As far as individuals are __________, they should share the responsibility of environment protection with the government. concerning concerned

7 1.Many cases of H1N1 flu has been found in our school and it seems that we’ll go through a difficult time. 2.I always start the day by going through my mail. 3. I’ve gone through the elbows of my sweater. 4.I seem to be going through a lot of money at present. go through Small words mean something big

8 1. 真正的朋友会同甘共苦。 2. 和朋友一起,我们就不用忍受孤独。 3. 当你心情不好时,朋友会安慰你。 4. 朋友关注你而不会忽视你。 5. 是友谊增加了人生的乐趣。 Writing: about friendship True friends will share joys and sorrows. Being together with friends, we don’t have to suffer from loneliness. When you’re upset, your friends will calm you down. Your friends are concerned about you instead of ignoring you, It is friendship that adds to the fun of life.

9 名句翻译背诵 ------ 友谊 Smile at the friendship and it will smile back. Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. A life without friendship is like a day without sunshine. A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes. 真正的朋友从不追究你的过错,也不嫉妒你的 成功。

10 四、真题再现 (2011· 湖北高考 ) 请根据以下提示,结合你校园生 活中的一个事例,就与人合作这一话题,用英语 写一篇短文。 Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn about team­work.Teamwork shows us how other people's roles fit the purpose of the group , and it teaches to be patient and how to respond to different people.


12 1. 他告诉我说他和他的同学相处得很好。 He told me that he was getting along well with his classmates. 2. 中国父母对孩子如此关心, 以致他们愿意为 孩子 包办一切。 The Chinese parents are so concerned about their children that they will do everything for them. 3. 当感到心烦意乱时, 我喜欢出去遛狗。 While feeling upset, I like to walk the dog. 4. 班主任直到学生平静下来才离开。 The head teacher didn’t leave until the students calmed down.

13 6. 他们一见钟情。 They fell in love with each other at the first sight. 7. 这是他第二次犯同样的错误。 It is the second time that he has made the same mistake. 8. 他粗暴无礼, 我再也不能不闻不问了。 I can’t ignore his rudeness. 9. 他总是故意的刁难我。 He always makes things difficult for me on purpose 10. 正是由于他的失误, 他错过了这枚金牌。 It was because of his fault that he missed the gold medal.

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