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Performance Tuning Methodology Approach to Attacking Oracle Performance Problems.

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1 Performance Tuning Methodology Approach to Attacking Oracle Performance Problems

2 Objectives At the end of this module the student will understand the following tasks and concepts. Determining if there is a performance problem Understand how to find performance problems Know what tools are available for finding performance problems and begin to know how to use them Understand how to begin to solve performance problems Learn what affects system performance and what you should look for when configuring your system

3 Oracle Performance Fundamentals Determine if there is a problem Finding Performance Problems Solving Performance Problems

4 Consult the Customer Ask the user community how the system seems This can be a good indication of a problem This can be a good indication of a problem This can often be unreliable information This can often be unreliable information Log user complaints The log can be used to determine trends The log can be used to determine trends The log can be used to document problem queries The log can be used to document problem queries The Log can be used to validate fixes The Log can be used to validate fixes

5 Regular Monitoring Regular monitoring can be used to determine long term resource usage Perform long-term monitoring Perform long-term monitoring Analyze long-term logs on a regular basis Analyze long-term logs on a regular basis Instantaneous monitoring has limited use Determine your metrics and monitor them regularly

6 Monitoring and Alerting Take advantage of third party tools. How well these tools server you depend on how well you have configured them for your installation. How well these tools server you depend on how well you have configured them for your installation. Alerts should be set. Alerts should be set. Rules should be set. Rules should be set.

7 Performance Tuning Methodology How do you tune? What methods do you use?

8 Pick a Methodology Develop a methodology for Tuning Stick with it Set Goals Keep Records!!

9 Step Method Determine Problem Formulate Solution / Test Anticipate Outcome of Solution or Test Implement Analyze Result

10 Determine Problem Is there a performance problem? What kind of problem is it? Software Software Hardware Hardware CPU CPU Memory Memory I/O I/O

11 Formulate Solution or Test Develop a test plan One or more solutions One or more solutions Prioritize Solutions Document Create repeatable tests

12 Anticipate Outcome Each test should generate a result What does it mean? Formulate result scenarios

13 Implement Try the test or solution Test off-line if possible Simulate load using load testing software Document

14 Analyze Result What happened? What did it mean? Conclusions

15 Tuning Approach Look for the obvious Tune Application Tune Access Paths Tune Memory Tune I/O Tune Resource Contention

16 Using CPU Time as a Metric CPU time is a good metric Maximum capacity is 100% Achieving max is not a good thing CPU time can be easily monitored

17 An Example of CPU Monitoring

18 Using User Count as a Metric Oracle user and/or process count can easily be obtained Obtained from v$session Obtained from v$session Distinct Users Distinct Users SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(USERNAME)) FROM V$SESSION SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(USERNAME)) FROM V$SESSION Processes Processes SELECT COUNT(*) FROM V$SESSION SELECT COUNT(*) FROM V$SESSION

19 An Example of Monitoring User Count

20 Using Response Time as a Metric Excellent representation of system response time Tells you what the users are experiencing Can be used to validate service level agreement

21 An Example of Monitoring Response Time

22 Statistics Guidelines What are your reasons for gathering statistics? How can you best achieve those results? Types of statistics General system performance General system performance Specific Application or task evaluation Specific Application or task evaluation Sizing Sizing Capacity Planning Capacity Planning

23 General Statistics Run statistics for long periods of time Daily Daily Start in the morning Start in the morning End at night End at night Look for resource contention Look for events Look for max usage

24 Specific Application Statistics Run statistics during specific phases of the application Run for short periods of time Time the statistics gathering Look for specific resource usage

25 Finding Performance Problems Perfmon Oracle for Windows NT Performance Monitor Statspack Automatic Workload Repository Reports SQL Trace Explain Plan Third party Tools Instrumented Applications

26 Perfmon Windows Performance Monitor CPU statistics CPU statistics I/O statistics I/O statistics Memory statistics Memory statistics

27 Oracle Counters for Windows Performance Monitor Monitor Database Objects CPU Usage CPU Usage Buffer Cache Buffer Cache Redo Log buffer Redo Log buffer Data Dictionary Cache Data Dictionary Cache Library Cache Library Cache Data file I/O Data file I/O

28 Statspack Standard Performance Package Similar to older UTLBSTAT/UTLESTAT package Install@?\rdbms\admin\spcreateRun SQL> CONNECT perfstat/perfstat SQL> EXECUTE statspack.snap;

29 Statspack Create the report with @spreport Tell it which snapshots to use. Tell it which snapshots to use. A report is created. A report is created.

30 Automatic Workload Repository Features Statspack on Steroids (10g only) Collects stats every 60 minutes Collects stats every 60 minutes Kept for a week then purged Kept for a week then purged A collection of performance stats A collection of performance stats A new background process MMON A new background process MMON Resides in new sysaux tablespace Resides in new sysaux tablespace

31 Automatic Workload Repository Reports Two reports provided by Oracle awrrpt.sql awrrpt.sql awrrpti.sql awrrpti.sql Similar to Statspack report Reports can be generated with scripts or through a GUI interface Optional HTML or plain text formats

32 AWR Reports

33 SQL Trace Used to trace sessions within Oracle. Look for resource utilization and rows This is done for you in many third party tools.

34 Explain Plan Decomposes the execution plan. Shows you the objects used. Shows you cost of plan.

35 Third Party Tools There are a number of excellent third party tools Veritas Veritas BMC BMC Quest Quest Others Others

36 Instrumented Applications Additions to applications or stored procedures to log statistics Start time Start time End time End time Parameters Parameters Duration Duration Other Other Extremely valuable in determining system characteristics Extremely valuable for determining the affect of changes

37 Instrumented Applications

38 Solving Performance Problems Tuning SQL Statements Adding Memory Adding More Disk Drives Reconfiguring the SAN Reconfiguring RAID

39 Tuning SQL Statements Critical to overall Oracle performance Statements should be tuned to reduce excess unnecessary processing Excessive I/O’s Excessive I/O’s Excessive processing Excessive processing Excessive memory usage Excessive memory usage

40 SQL Tuning Tips Use indexes wisely Can be used to reduce I/Os Can be used to reduce I/Os Will speed up query performance Will speed up query performance Will reduce INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE performance Will reduce INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE performance Must be used correctly Must be used correctly

41 SQL Tuning Tips Join types involve tradeoffs Nested Loops Joins Nested Loops Joins Lots of I/O Lots of I/O Less CPU Less CPU Hash Joins Hash Joins Fewest I/Os Fewest I/Os High CPU usage High CPU usage Parallelize better Parallelize better Merge Joins Merge Joins Large Sorts and memory usage Large Sorts and memory usage High CPU usage High CPU usage

42 Adding Memory Always a good idea More memory can be used for Buffer Cache thus reducing I/Os More cache does not necessarily help Can be controlled via KEEP andRecycle Buffer Pools

43 Adding More Disk Drives Will help in systems that are I/O bound Add more drives in order to reduce the IOPS per disk drive Keep IOPS per disk drive within prescribed limits Keep IOPS per disk drive within prescribed limits Don’t overdrive specific drives Don’t overdrive specific drives Monitor on a regular basis Monitor on a regular basis

44 Reconfiguring the SAN Adding more LUNS Is very painful in a cluster Is very painful in a cluster Must be done carefully Must be done carefully Backup everything before starting Backup everything before starting Allocate sufficient time Allocate sufficient time

45 Reconfiguring RAID Type All data is lost Very time consuming Backup all data before beginning

46 System Configuration Configuring the system properly is critical. A poorly configured system cannot be affectively tuned. Once it is done, it is hard to fix.

47 System Configuration Choosing the Right Hardware CPU’s CPU’s Disks Disks Memory Memory Database Design

48 CPU Performance Factors Speed of CPU’s Clock Speed Clock Speed Pipelining Pipelining CPU Cache Scalability Scalability Performance Performance

49 CPU Scalability What Affects Scalability? Software Software Oracle Scales Extremely Well Oracle Scales Extremely Well Hardware Hardware CPU Caches CPU Caches CPU/Memory Bus Bandwidth CPU/Memory Bus Bandwidth

50 Memory Speed of Memory Access Memory Bus Bandwidth Amount of Memory

51 Oracle Memory DB Block Buffers Shared Pool Sort Area Hash Area

52 Oracle Memory OLTP DB Block Buffers DB Block Buffers Shared Pool Shared PoolDSS Shared Pool (parallel query) Shared Pool (parallel query) Sort Area Sort Area Hash Area Hash Area

53 DB Block Buffers Used to cache frequently used data Amount (MB) = DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS * DB_BLOCK_SIZE Most important for OLTP Try to get cache hit ratio > 90%

54 Shared Pool Used for Data Dictionary Data Dictionary Library Cache Library Cache Parallel Query Buffers Parallel Query Buffers Make sure that you have enough

55 Sort Area Use Oracle Counters (Perfmon) Look for Sorts (disk) Sorts (disk) Number of sorts done on disk Number of sorts done on disk Sorts (memory) Sorts (memory) Number of sorts all in memory Number of sorts all in memory Sorts (rows) Sorts (rows) Total number of rows sorted Total number of rows sorted

56 Hash Area Amount of memory used for hash joins More memory = less temporary space = better performance Sorry no statistics

57 Memory Swapping Don’t exceed available system memory! Causes swapping to disk Causes swapping to disk Kills performance Kills performance Reduce your Oracle memory usage to fit the SGA, PGA, and user processes in main memory

58 I/O Considerations Database size How much space do you need? How much space do you need?Performance How many disks do you need? How many disks do you need? Fault Tolerance Importance Importance Performance Performance

59 Other I/O considerations Manual method: Adjust PCTFREE and PCTUSED Adjust PCTFREE and PCTUSED Check for Freelist contention Check for Freelist contention Check V$WAITSTAT for contention on DATA BLOCKS Check V$WAITSTAT for contention on DATA BLOCKS Check V$SYSTEM_EVENT for BUFFER BUSY WAITS Check V$SYSTEM_EVENT for BUFFER BUSY WAITS Add more freelists Add more freelists In Oracle 10g, use Automatic Segment Space Management

60 Oracle I/O Enhancing Features Multiblock Read Read larger chunks Read larger chunks Range Partitioning Reduce the amount of data you access Reduce the amount of data you access Parallel Query Option Keep the CPUs Busy Keep the CPUs Busy Block Size

61 Review Using Explain Plan, you have determined that some of the most problematic queries on your system are using Nested Loop Joins. I/O speed is average to slow on your SAN. Meantime, your multi- processor server seems to be using only one CPU, with the others idle. What approaches could you use to improve performance? Users are complaining that everything is slow, particularly your company’s home grown ERP application, which also runs on the biggest database. You have complained for some time now that the ERP code is poorly written. In addition, your SAN disks are slow with no controller cache. The database server has four fast XEON chips, but you only have 4GB of RAM. Given the information you have now, where do you think you should spend time and money? Get faster disks with large controller cache Get faster disks with large controller cache Increase RAM on the database server to 8GB Increase RAM on the database server to 8GB Rewrite and optimize the ERP code Rewrite and optimize the ERP code Add more CPUs to the database server Add more CPUs to the database server

62 Summary First determine if a problem exists Don’t rule out anything Application Application Software Software RDBMS RDBMS Hardware Hardware Monitor regularly Tune SQL Statements to reduce resource usage

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