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Hosted by Mr. Antley 100 200 400 300 400 Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice 4 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Mr. Antley

3 100 200 400 300 400 Choice1Choice 2Choice 3Choice 4 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Among other tasks, this party leader is responsible for keeping track of how party members plan to vote on pending bills, and making sure they are present for key votes. Who is the “majority/minority whip?”

5 1,2 When different versions of a bill have been approved by the House and Senate, the bill must go through this type of committee before a final House/Senate vote. What is a “conference committee?”

6 1,3 If the Senate has 60 Republicans and 40 Democrats, this many Republicans will probably serve on a 10-member committee. What is “six?”

7 1,4 If the Senate has 53 Democrats and 47 Republicans, this percentage of committee chairs will be Democrats. What is “100%” or “all of them?”

8 2,1 When a Representative or Senator follows the wishes of his constituents back home in deciding how to vote on a bill, he is following this voting philosophy. What is the “delegate” philosophy?

9 2,2 When a state gains or loses seats in the House due to the reapportionment process, this government body is usually the one to redraw the boundary lines to create or eliminate districts. What is the “state legislature?”

10 2,3 The case Wesberry v. Sanders holds that congressional districts must meet this standard to avoid “overrepresentation” or “underrepresentation” What is “approximately equal in population?”

11 2,4 Gerrymandering of Congressional districts often involves these two tactics. What are “packing” and “cracking?”

12 3,1 For the party that controls a state legislature, the primary goal of gerrymandering is to do this. What is “maximizing the number of seats held by that party?”

13 3,2 The Constitution requires that “money” bills must originate in the House of Representatives, based in part on the theory that the Representative’s 2-year terms would serve this purpose. What is “make them more responsive to public opinion?”

14 3,3 The group that must decide who will be President if no candidate receives a majority in the Electoral College. What is the “House of Representatives?”

15 3,4 When a President does not sign a bill within 10 days of receiving it, and Congress is not in session, the bill does not become law because of this obscure rule. What is the “pocket veto?”

16 4,1 True or false: Historically, Presidents have used the threat of a veto to force changes to a bill far more often than actually vetoing a bill. What is “true?”

17 4,2 The top three positions in the line of succession to the President (after the Vice-President). What are “Speaker of the House, President pro-tem of the Senate, and Secretary of State?”

18 4,3 When a President becomes incapacitated, but refuses to acknowledge the disability, these two persons/groups must notify Congress that the President is disabled to install the Vice- President as acting President. Who are “the Vice-President and a majority of the Cabinet?”

19 4,4 The three formal requirements to serve as a Senator. What are “30 years old, U.S. citizen for 9 years, and resident of the state to be represented?”

20 5,1 The three formal qualifications to serve as a Representative. What are “25 years old, U.S. citizen for 7 years, and a resident of the state to be represented.”

21 5,2 The three formal requirements to serve as President of the U.S. What are “35 years old, natural-born citizen, and lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years.”

22 5,3 The senior and junior Senators for Montana, the Montana Representative, and their party affiliations. What are “Max Baucus (senior Senator), Jon Tester (junior Senator) (both Democrats); and Denny Rehberg (Representative—Republican)

23 5,4 This rule says that the longest- serving member on a committee who belongs to the majority party is usually named the chair of that committee. What is the “seniority” rule?

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