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Sectional Views Introduction Drawing Abilities Teacher © J Lewis 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Sectional Views Introduction Drawing Abilities Teacher © J Lewis 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sectional Views Introduction Drawing Abilities Teacher © J Lewis 2004

2 Drawing a dismantled box The parts of the box are shown here separately, they are designed to fit together © J Lewis 2004

3 Drawing a dismantled box The hidden lines are shown in yellow and the shape of the box parts is visible. © J Lewis 2004

4 Drawing the box assembled The box is now assembled and the Elevation is drawn with hidden lines shown in yellow © J Lewis 2004

5 Drawing the box assembled The addition of the Plan view adds more information ( hidden lines are in yellow ). The actual shape of the parts is no more clear. © J Lewis 2004

6 The Idea of a Sectional View The Plan and Elevation of the box are shown below, the internal details are quite hard to work out when only these views are available. Cutting the box and drawing a Sectional View will add to our understanding. © J Lewis 2004

7 The Idea of a Cutting Plane To show the internal details, the choice of where to cut is very important. Here we will cut through the centre at A – A The cutting plane is a chain line ( 0.3 thin ) with thick ends ( 0.7 thick). The arrows show the direction of viewing once the object has been cut. Other cutting planes can be defined but would use different letters ( such as X – X ) to avoid confusion. © J Lewis 2004

8 Simulating the Cutting Plane On the computer simulation, the cutting plane can be seen more clearly as a 3D image rather than the line seen from the Elevation view. © J Lewis 2004

9 Simulating the Cutting Plane On the computer simulation, the cutting plane seen as an Elevation allows the parts to be seen more clearly, hatching is needed to make it even better © J Lewis 2004

10 Hatching the Cutting Plane With hatching, the separate parts of the box are now clearly visible The assembly is never actually cut, it’s just a view that helps © J Lewis 2004

11 The Final Drawing © J Lewis 2004

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