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Severn Vale Deanery Parish Share..... And Help Available 1Parish Share.

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Presentation on theme: "Severn Vale Deanery Parish Share..... And Help Available 1Parish Share."— Presentation transcript:

1 Severn Vale Deanery Parish Share..... And Help Available 1Parish Share

2 Since 2004 – Parish Share −Quota abolished & replaced by ‘Parish Share’ −Allocated just by the No. of Priests you have Until 2004:- Every parish given a ‘Quota’ of the diocesan costs –Complex formulae used to calculate it, eg: –Number of people on the Electoral Roll + Relative wealth of the parish, etc What was – The Quota? Plus ‘Mutual Share’ −Diocese calculates share for every Benefice and allocates the total to the Deanery −Each Benefice shares its total between its parishes, who are asked to offer what they can. −Those that can, pay more to help those that can’t −The Deanery has to find its allocation in full

3 Calculation of Parish Share Old ‘Equal Share’ ‘Base Cost’ (2010) Pro-rata House for duty (HfD)16,938 Self-Supporting Minister (SSM)2,541 Stipends/NIC/Pensions35,839 Housing10,035 Other Costs 4,939 Each full-time priest50,813 Total Ministry Costs divided into 3 categories : Base Cost Inflated at 3% per year: 201020112012201320142015 50,81352,337 53,907 55,525 57,190 58,906

4 Total Ministry Costs divided into 9 categories : West of Severn 37,462 3,719 8,463 (3,190) 3,653 10,024 0 2,572 4,675 Total67,378 Stipends/NIC/Pensions Grants/On-Costs Housing Vacancy Savings Training Curates Share Curates Adjustment Diocesan Costs National Costs ‘Allocated Cost’ (2015) 58,906 +14% Calculation of Parish Share New ‘Proportional Share’

5 Your No. ofPriests + Curates + HfDs + SSMs Total No. ofPriests + Curates + HfDs + SSMs Calculation of Parish Share New ‘Proportional Share’ ‘Allocated Cost’ (2015) Each category calculated separately for each Benefice in proportion to your use compared to the diocesan total ie: Diocesan total for that category x

6 −Half your total allocated directly −Half adjusted by your average attendance −Total (currently) inflated by 1.5% p/a −Result mediated by a cap of (inflation + 4%) Calculation of Parish Share New ‘Proportional Share’ ‘Allocated Cost’ (2015 ) Having calculated each category in proportion to your use, then.....

7 37,462 3,719 8,463 (3,190) 3,653 10,024 0 2,572 4,675 Total67,378 Stipends/NIC/Pensions Grants/On-Costs Housing Vacancy Savings Training Curates Share Curates Adjustment Diocesan Costs National Costs West of Severn ‘Allocated Cost’ (2015) ½ Total33,689 ½ Total Mediated by Attendance (100) 28,891 Base Allocation62,580

8 2015 Allocated Cost 2016 62,580 44,481 29% 2017 63,519 46,927 26% 2018 64,472 49,508 23% 2019 65,439 52,231 20% 2020 66,420 55,104 17% 2010 Base Cost Base ‘Capped’ Mutual AllocationParish ShareSupport £58,90644,50024% West of Severn

9 2010 Base Cost Base ‘Capped’ Mutual AllocationParish ShareSupport £58,90658,9060% Seven Towers 2015 Allocated Cost 2016 61,783 61,330 <1% 2017 62,710 62,710 0% 2018 63,651 63,651 0% 2019 64,605 64,605 0% 2020 65,575 65,575 0%

10 Severn Vale Deanery Parish Share..... And Help Available 2Help Available

11 Diocesan Help Financial: 1.Stipend Fund: Interest from Legacies etc Used to subsidise Parish Share (£800,000 p/a) Currently shared equally by all Benefices £ Review Committee looking at new way of Proportional Sharing according to your financial need and potential for growth May affect your ‘Allocated Cost’ in Future Years

12 Building a Diocese that:- 1.Worships together 2.Shares our Christian faith and values 3.Provides a visible presence in every community and parish 4.Serves the wider world Diocesan Help 3 Year Vision set in 2013 5.Pays its way

13 Diocesan Help Journeying Together 2 – Bishop Rachel has inaugurated a review of Journeying Together – Consulting with Deaneries and Parishes through spring / summer – Re-issue Advent 2016

14 Presentations at Deanery Synod Administration of Parish Share Deanery Chapter Deanery Help Conducting a Parish Survey Effective Ministry in Every Parish A Focus Leader in Every Parish Local Ministry Team Balancing the Budget Parish Finances Explained Parish Giving Scheme Lively Worship Pastoral Offices & Pastoral Care Ministry of Healing Nurture & Discipleship Fresh Expressions Pioneer Ministry Shared Faith & Values Engaging with Families & Schools Encouraging Vocations Ecumenical Partnerships Social Responsibility Maintain Building & Churchyards Communications Journeying Together Implementation Severn Vale Deanery

15 Helping Ourselves Do Something Different Albert Einstein Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

16 Who? Someone known in the parish and committed to working in a team Priest (Full or part-time) Reader Local Ministry Team Member Someone ‘Called out’ by the congregation Do Something Different EMEP – Effective Ministry in Every Parish A Focus Leader in Every Parish

17 Develop Present Members Recruit New Members −Introduce Parish Giving Scheme −Promote Outreach / Fundraising Events −Encourage Discipleship Building −Go out to where people are −Share the Gospel in contemporary ways EMEP – A Focus Leader in Every Parish Do Something Proactive

18 Pay by Direct Debit to the diocese The diocese collects Gift Aid from HMRC Total paid to the parish within 10 days Donors asked to include an annual automatic inflation increase Donors asked to confirm before it’s applied, so they’re always in control Parishes report up to 30% increase EMEP – Do Something Proactive Parish Giving Scheme

19 EMEP – Parish Giving Scheme Outreach & Fundraising

20 Fresh Expression Study Courses EMEP – Outreach & Fundraising Growing Discipleship −Alpha −Emmaus −Credo −etc

21  Church at different days/times  Church for different communities  Church in different styles  Church for beginners  Church for disconnected explorers EMEP – Growing Discipleship A Seed-change In Society We’ve Got Changing Sundays Changing relationships Changing cultures Less faith knowledge Religion to spirituality Fresh Expression Study Courses −Alpha −Emmaus −Credo −etc  We Need

22  Engage Socially Study Courses – Alpha – Emmaus – Credo – etc – Puzzling Questions – Table Talk – Modulo – etc Fresh Expressions

23 Messy Church Fresh Expressions Cell Church Remote Church

24 Fresh Expressions House Church Night Church Bread Church

25 Mission-Shaped Ministry – A national course available in Gloucester - Pioneer Ministers Outreach Help

26 Financial Help Development Fund 2. Development Fund: Money from sale of Diocesan Retreat Centre ‘Glenfall House’ Used to support discipleship, spiritual growth, etc Decision to close Glenfall House Review Group set up by +Michael to consider how to use the funds realised from the sale Agreed that the best use would be to facilitate grass-roots projects across the diocese The Development Fund set-up as the vehicle 3. New Ministries Fund: Money from sale of redundant Glebe Land & Property Used to support ‘Fresh Expressions’, ‘Pioneer Curates’, new parishes on new housing estates, etc £ 1.Stipend Fund: Interest from Legacies etc Used to subsidise Parish Share (£800,000 p/a)c Where has the Development Fund come from?

27 Development Fund Priorities 1.Spirituality a.Initiatives which enable people who rarely come to church to engage and grow in Christian prayer b.Support for individuals and churches to go deeper in Christian prayer c.Support for individuals and churches exploring healing and wholeness 2.Growing the Church a.Initiatives enabling Christians to engage in culturally appropriate outreach b.Support for churches growing work with children, young people and families c.Training and support for church leaders creating an environment for growth 3.Serving the Common Good a.Initiatives in which the church works in partnership with other bodies b.Initiatives to enable church buildings to be used by community groups

28 Development Fund Ideas For projects to help us grow Over To You

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