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Statistics and probability Dr. Khaled Ismael Almghari Phone No: 0599880590.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics and probability Dr. Khaled Ismael Almghari Phone No: 0599880590."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics and probability Dr. Khaled Ismael Almghari Email Phone No: 0599880590

2 Assessment quizzesAttendantsAssignmentsFinalMidterm 5% 10%60%20%

3 References books

4 C o u r s e G o a l s Explain various descriptive statistics including the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation for a given data set Explain the construction and interpretation of frequency histograms Explain simple unconditional probabilities and conditional probabilities Define the probability mass function of a discrete random variable and the binomial distribution Define the probability density function of a continuous random variable and the normal distribution

5 C o u r s e G o a l s Define the expectation of a function of a random variable Define critical values Explain approximating probabilities using the Central Limit Theorem Derive confidence intervals for population parameters Derive hypothesis tests for population parameters Derive the Chi - Square Test of Independence for a contingency table Derive the linear regression parameter estimates and correlation coefficient

6 Course Outcomes Calculate the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation for a given data set Create a frequency histogram for a given data set Calculate a simple unconditional probability and conditional probability Calculate a probability from a probability mass function of a discrete random variable and a binomial distribution Calculate a probability from a probability density function of a continuous random variable and a normal distribution. Calculate an expectation of a random variable for a given distribution. Calculate a critical value from a normal, t, chi - square, and f distribution.

7 Course Outcomes Calculate a probability using the Central Limit Theorem. Calculate an appropriate confidence interval for a population parameter for a given data set. Perform an appropriate hypothesis tests for a population parameter for a given data set. Perform a Chi - Square Test of Independence for a contingency table. Calculate a linear regression for a given data set.

8 Course Outlining 1 st Week :Introduction, summarized and graphing data. 2 nd Week :Describe, explore and compare data. 3 rd Week: Continue of week#2 with exercises. 4 th Week: Probability and probability distributions.

9 Course Outlining 5 th Week: Probability and probability distributions. 6 th Week: Sampling distribution of means and the central limit theorem. 7 th Week: Review 8 th Week: Midterm Exams. 9 th Week: Point and Interval estimates. 10 th Week: Sampling and experimental design. 11 th Week: One and two sample tests of hypothesis.

10 Course Outlining 12 th Week: Simple linear regression. 13 th Week: Multiple linear regressions – analysis of variance (ANOVA test). 14 th Week: Non parametric tests and correlation. 15 th Week: Review 16 th Week: Start of Final Exams.

11 Good Luck

12 Any Questions?

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