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Themes and turning points of the 20 th century. Pre World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "Themes and turning points of the 20 th century. Pre World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Themes and turning points of the 20 th century

2 Pre World War I

3 World War I 1914-18 The snowball into war One Thing Led to Another htm

4 Key points The first modern ‘Total War’ Colonialism ensures a global war The end of empires (Russia, Ottomon, Austro-Hungary, German)

5 Led to Versailles 1919 Treaty of Versailles

6 Depression and the rise of Nazism 1929 Wall Street Crash

7 World War II Origins Events Aftermath

8 The end of empire Spider diagram. Why?

9 Cold War 1945-53 The move to a bi-polar world. The Marshall Plan Berlin 1948 NATO 1949 China 1949 Korea 1950-53

10 1953-1969: Conflict, confrontation and compromise Warsaw Pact 1954 Nuclear arms race. 7000 nuclear weapons in Europe alone by 1960’s Cuban Missile Crisis 1962. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) 1968

11 1969-86: The rise and fall of détente 1986-89: The end of the Cold War

12 Post Cold War 1990 – 2001: USA hegemony and globalisation 2001 - Present

13 The post 9/11 world Draw a spider diagram to show how 9/11 was a globalized event? 19 individuals from different parts of the world. Al-Qaeda is an international organisation spread over 50 countries. Terrorists sponsored and trained in Afghanistan. Victims were from many different countries around the world. (3000 victims from 90 different countries) Al-Qaeda employed the global financial system to fund operations.

14 Use of technology Filmed and broadcast immediately around the world The World Trade Centre and the Pentagon have international significance. (Iconic symbols of the world financial network and global security respectively) The attacks brought out contrasting responses from different parts of the world. The reasons for the attack were global in nature. (Palestine-Israeli conflict, global capitalism, perceived islamaphobia)

15 Read the notes (pages 83-86 of ‘The globalization of world politics’) Answer the questions below (also on A4 sheet). 1.Why have some commentators argued that 9/11 has helped the USA in its imperial ambitions? 2.How did 9/11 change the USA’s relationship with the rest of the world? 3.Make a mind map of why the USA invaded Iraq followed by paragraph explaining your own opinion. 4.Define the concept of a ‘clash of civilizations’ 5.What pressures does the USA face in maintaining its position at the top of the world order?

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